They deff bastardized the Montreal Forum. Now it's a complete abomination. As a Habs fan, it makes me sick everytime I see it. Architecturally, MLG blows it away...

On the other hand the Forum faired better than the Boston Garden.
On the other hand the Forum faired better than the Boston Garden.

I'd have to disagree with that. Boston Garden died with dignity. The Forum survives, but looks like its been tarted up like an old hooker. Destruction might have been better.
^^ Um, it's the Pepsi Forum! Get it right! LMAO jk
But seriously, they raped the poor ol' forum. It looks like shit, and the memorial inside (a random seating arrangement w/ a creepy, cheering fan statue) is really sad.
The true Habs Memorial is the new'ish public square attched to Bell Ctr (& Lucien-Allier Metro/AMT Stn).

Le Forum (google streetview)

Bell Ctr Square
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I took a walk by last night, the Loblaws section through the windows on Church Street looks huge. It's hard to put it to scale but it appears to go from a little inside the Church/Carlton entrance to at least 2/3 of the way over to the west end of the building. It was impossible to see how far back it goes (to the north end of the building). Joe Fresh is coming along, the lights were off in the LCBO area so it was hard to tell what was going on in there. From what I could see last night I'm confident that Loblaws will be ready by the 23rd.
They had the doors propped open along Church yesterday and I was able to get a pretty good look inside. It's totally unrecognizable on the inside, but there are nods here and there to the building's history. They really did a fantastic job on the interior.
Nov 12
A lot of 7/24 work is needed if this is to open as schedule. A lot of work will not be completed until 2012.







Loblaws grand opening info

The Loblaws at Maple Leaf Gardens is opening November 23rd. I work for Loblaws and I was asked to work in that store to help out for the grand opening.
ad i saw at may not look like they'll be ready, but if they're putting up ads for nov.23rd, it's most likely going to happen.
The outside may not be finished, but you would be surprised how fast they can pull the store together. I work the first 4 days - 8 hour shifts. Not sure I'll survive lol
It's only Loblaws that has to be ready by the 23rd, the work on Ryerson's facilities and other retail (presumably) will continue. So long as the Loblaws space is all up to code as per the building inspector they are good to go. It'll be ready.
I went by there today and spoke to construction crew - and they confirmed the 23rd is in fact the date. They sounded pretty confident it would happen, so I think we're safe to trust. As for the Ryerson athletic centre, the general consensus for the completion is around Februrary/March.
The Loblaws at Maple Leaf Gardens is opening November 23rd. I work for Loblaws and I was asked to work in that store to help out for the grand opening.

I don't want to start anything but just say for the last time "Loblaws store and Maple Leaf Gardens" should not be in the same sentence. I don't have a problem with Ryerson but a grocery store? Ugghh!
Any word on when the Queen Portland one is opening?

Loblaws head office told me mid-November without a specific date; another forum member said 24th. Very soon, in any case. I went by yesterday and could see some finished surfaces and lighting. I had seen dry product on the shelves, covered in plastic, several seeks ago. They installed an illuminated Loblaws sign in recent days and there's an "opening soon" sign near the door.
MLG yesterday, Nov. 15th -

S/E corner, Loblaws entrance

South (Carlton Street) side of MLG -

Peek into the Loblaws area -

East (Church Street) side of MLG -

