Line-ups to get in again this afternoon. My recently diminished appreciation for college park Sobeys is restored.
Lineups? Really? Should I even bother going tomorrow after work? I've never experienced lineups to get into a grocery store.
We went back today and actually did some grocery shopping. We got there at about 6:30, walked right in (noted three Metro Police officers near the front doors) and picked up everything that we needed thanks to the handy store maps at the entrance. It was pretty busy but not crazy busy like it was on Wednesday. I used to enjoy grocery shopping before I gave up my car in the mid-90's. Since then picking up groceries locally, at St. Lawrence Market, Metro, Sobey's etc. became something of a task over the years. Today brought fun back to grocery shopping, something I used to enjoy but had long forgotten about.
I noted that there is one level of underground parking, not two levels as I seem to recall was originally proposed. I didn't see a parking entrance/exit on Wood Street (it was raining so I only glanced along the street as I passed it) so it looks like the only entrance/exit to parking is off Carlton near the Holiday Inn at the far west end of the building.
Line-ups to get in again this afternoon. My recently diminished appreciation for college park Sobeys is restored.

Much of the traffic in recent days has been grocery tourists. Once the novelty wears off it will probably be lively but not jammed. Sobeys didn't get any of this because it's just another Sobeys with no added shopping pleasure.
Also, they need a self-check-out area. I used to hate them but now like them as I don't like waiting in the 'express' line for 30min to buy 3 items.
Dec 03
I went in about 5:30 to take some photos only and came out with a $60 grocery bill.

It was a zoo in there.

There was a line up of people wanting to get a photo of the centre ice spot and themselves.

All checkout lines were open with baggers. Can't remember when I last seen this done and most likely to keep the line moving. Was in line no ore than 5 minutes with 5 shoppers in front of me.

I like what they did to the east wall.

30 more photos up on site.





New Exterior Lights!

just noticed the lights outside - think they add a rly nice effect
srry for poor img quality - hopin someone gets down there for some better pics!



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I noticed it too, it looks terrific. I've got a shot from above but no street shots yet.
I had to get to the Church Wellesley Neighbourhood Association meeting at 7pm so I just ran down and grabbed a few photos

From above, at dusk -

Dec. 13th

Church Street & Wood Street sides, respectively -

Carlton Street side and Church & Carlton Sts., respectively -

So... does the new lighting rock, or does it ROCK!?
The whole area is dramatically different at night now, it's such a major change with all this lighting. Also, it's so much better in person, do check it out.
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Thanks for the excellent night time pictures, dt_toronto_geek.

Can you, please, somehow add some snow and sleigh in these pictures?
In a funny way, I'm impressed by how the reno pays tribute to the founding utilitarian/philistine-if-it-weren't-the-Art-Deco-era parsimony of Conn Smythe & Co--case in point: the no-nonsense highway guardrails lining the garage entry...
I wasn't impressed. I guess I was expecting it to be more of a warm, food market feeling. Having been a hockey area in the past, perhaps that's where the cold, factory style environment steamed from.
We already have the St. Lawrence market, which can never be beet.
Actually, somewhere out there there was a listing of the top 20 or 30 markets in the world, and St. Lawerence market was on that list ... there are many great markets in the world ... though these lists are usually bs anyway ;)

Anyway, I think the front half of MLG is great, the back half is like any run of the mill *nice* loblaws.
