It's hard to tell even up close but it does look like some of the windows have been replaced along Church Street. Old man Ballard's apartment was up there on the 2nd or 3rd level, I'd have loved to have seen it.

MLG scaffolding continues upward

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.



I think this project is a real coup for the city, for tourism, for students, and for local residents. We've got sensitive heritage preservation/restoration, continued sports programming, extension of retail along Church/Carlton, expansion of Ryerson campus, greater shopping choice, etc. This is a conversion/retrofit done right, unlike the debacle in Montreal.
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I agree. It looks like it is hardly going to change at all from the outside. The fact that many future generations will come here and form their own memories here, and that the building will live on in a very 'real' sense is a true victory.
im glad hockey will still be played at mlg with about 5000 seats and the outside will look the same its just too bad the leafs were to stubbern to sell it to Eugene Melnyk who would have kept the inside as is because of competiton conserns, like the leafs dont have enough money
Please fill me in (I'm from the states) what are they doing on the east side of the building with all the scaffolling?
Maple Leaf Gardens all wrapped up. From the corner of Carlton & Church, and Carlton Street, respectively.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

And a big Canada flag. That's nice :)

Until about a year ago they were torn, tattered and badly faded so I sent a letter to Loblaws (got no answer) then I noticed a few months later that the flags had been replaced. Presumably they agreed.
I've always loved the canyon on this stretch of Carlton, one of my favourites in the city. The Gardens are going to look great once all's said and done.
Would be great to see more Canadian flags around the city. Canada's a great country, I'm sure we can all agree.
