Let me bring that forward for the preview deprived and the click averse:

News release. MPCT reports earnings today and conference call today as well. Let's see if they mention it as they own ~23% of it.

Dream Impact on Scarborough Junction on the conference call.
They are planning on selling Scarborough Junction. The plan was to generate the density, then sell the project. They are in the passenger seat for the ride and own 23%.

It's a huge chunk for MPCT vs current market cap.
Dream Impact on Scarborough Junction on the conference call.
They are planning on selling Scarborough Junction. The plan was to generate the density, then sell the project. They are in the passenger seat for the ride and own 23%.

It's a huge chunk for MPCT vs current market cap.
Just to be clear, that doesn't mean they are scrapping the design as is now, right? Just selling their share of the project?
They have made the confidential items now public - https://secure.toronto.ca/council/agenda-item.do?item=2024.CC14.10

The plans don't appear to have changed much from what has been posted previously on here.

And now the real work (fun) begins! Looks like alot of moving pieces on this site and some great community benefits like new go station, park, community centre, day care, grocery, squares...

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Thank you very much for sharing this information - this is such a great forum with some incredible intel. I live and own a business in the immediate area, and I am wondering if anyone knows when construction will start for this project?

I assume from the posts above with the moving pieces mentioned by 1C0 and the dream sale by others, it will be a few years before a shovel enters the ground?
From the end of the Storeys article shared above: "
Young's goal is to spend 2024 advancing necessary site and subdivision plans before moving towards the marketing of condos and rental buildings, with construction ideally beginning in late 2025." As a nearby resident who would love more retail and pedestrian friendly access to the GO, I really hope the construction begins as soon as that.
As a resident of Scarborough Southwest, I'm excited to see this project move forward.

This may be premature, but hopefully Scarborough Junction will be well connected to the cycling network.

Take a look at the map used by the City to seek input for the proposed expansion of bikeways.

Zoom into Scarborough Junction. Unfortunately neither Danforth Rd nor St Clair are currently marked for proposed bikeways but Midland is.

This comment caught my attention:

"A smooth underpass connection for active transportation (walking, cycling, etc.) at Scarborough GO would stitch together the north and south halves of Scarborough Southwest and allow for permeating through the GO railway barrier + improve access to the transit hub itself."

And these two regarding Midland Avenue

"This is an absolute no-brainer! Connecting the main Kingston Road cycling route to Scarborough GO via a safe dedicated bike lane is a massive step towards solving the "last mile" and making GO Transit accessible for the Scarborough Souhtwest Ward! Prioritize access to transit!"

"Midland has been on Cycling Network Plans since pre-amalgamation. It has been identified as a priority now for at least two generations and remains an important missing north-south link."
They have made the confidential items now public - https://secure.toronto.ca/council/agenda-item.do?item=2024.CC14.10

The plans don't appear to have changed much from what has been posted previously on here.

Appreciate the heads's up...............but the bold isn't quite right; the top height here jumped 10s from 48s to 58s.

There are now several buildings above 50s...........

The unit total also shot up from just over 5,800 initially to more than 7,600 now.

@Paclo will need to update the Database files.

I will link to the settlement offer and the plans:

Settlement Offer:

Plans File number 1:

Plans Files number 2:

From the above:








Appreciate the heads's up...............but the bold isn't quite right; the top height here jumped 10s from 48s to 58s.

There are now several buildings above 50s...........

The unit total also shot up from just over 5,800 initially to more than 7,600 now.

@Paclo will need to update the Database files.

I will link to the settlement offer and the plans:

Settlement Offer:

Plans File number 1:

Plans Files number 2:

From the above:

View attachment 540924

View attachment 540925

View attachment 540926

View attachment 540927

View attachment 540928
View attachment 540929

View attachment 540930
View attachment 540931

I believe you are comparing the settled plans with Republic's 1st submission? For which there certainly are some significant changes.
Comparing to the latest resubmission made by Republic shown on AIC (as of summer 2022) the changes are less drastic, but there was a bump this time in FSI I noticed (from 4.88 to 4.95) - so the unit count increased by about 250, the tower heights increased for towers on Blocks E+F and one on I, some podiums reduced, LW units facing mews turned into retail... Otherwise, looks like everything has remained roughly the same

Resubmission plans (June 2022)

Resubmission Stats (June 2022)

Settled Plans (Feb 2024)

Settled Stats (Feb 2024)
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I believe you are comparing the settled plans with Republic's 1st submission? For which there certainly are some significant changes.
Comparing to the latest resubmission made by Republic (as of summer 2022) the changes are less drastic, but there was a bump this time in FSI I noticed (from 4.88 to 4.95) - so the unit count increased by about 250, the tower heights increased for towers on Blocks E+F and one on I, some podiums reduced, LW units facing mews turned into retail... Otherwise, looks like everything has remained roughly the same

Resubmission plans (June 2022)
View attachment 541032

Resubmission Stats (June 2022)
View attachment 541033

Settled Plans (Feb 2024)
View attachment 541034

Settled Stats (Feb 2024)
View attachment 541035

I used the top height in the thread title for my comparison. Usually that, and the database up to date, perhaps something was missed this time.
