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Instead of one company, now 30 will have your data, and it will all eventually feed into one source.
Erroneously assuming that the so-called 30 companies (nice round number, that) even propose to play the Alphabet game of hoovering up private data - which I rather doubt anyway. I think it far more likely that regular developers will be involved. You know, not tech giants looking to make a play.


"Waterfront Toronto opened the project for bids in March, 2017. "

A year head start....
I have a feeling this project will come back in some other form after this pandemic is gone ! I was pretty unique looking and something different for the waterfront In my opinion !
I have a feeling this project will come back in some other form after this pandemic is gone ! I was pretty unique looking and something different for the waterfront In my opinion !

Wait no longer, new version is in the works:

New Partner to be picked by summer 2021

New focus, Affordable Housing/Long Term Care

Still open to innovation, but not data-driven.

All Timber buildings idea is out.

But open to 1 Timber building
Looks like it’s going to be completely uninspired. WT never did dream big, so I’m unsurprised, but disappointed.
So more lackluster, uninspired, development. Par for the course I guess.
Looks like it’s going to be completely uninspired. WT never did dream big, so I’m unsurprised, but disappointed.

Where's this doom and gloom from?

Outside of the Innovation Ctr, WT has a pretty good track record.

We've got a really interesting all-timber building on the way.

Love Park

The wave decks

Rees Park is incoming

So are some really interesting foot bridges.

Plus a very interesting new Ferry Terminal.

And as @smably notes above, a huge new River Mouth with vast parks and a destination playground.

This City has its moments of complacency and under-achievement. But WT's record does not sit among those.
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