February 28, 2010



Thanks for the photos guys!

I heard there will be 3 underground parking levels for this project. Does anybody have a rough idea of how deep the excavation will be before they start "building"?
March 31 2010 update

View from King Street - excavation continues
Click to Enlarge
Someone I know who is associated with this project suggested that it is a "complicated" building. I wonder if this will further add to all the delays?
Naw, yer right. It's like piling up popsicle sticks - except with concrete, steel and glass.

I was told it was a "complicated" building. If I was an expert on on design, physical systems and construction methods, I could tell you more. That being said, having had a good look at the innards of my little condo building, I find it complicated, too.
not to say it's simple, but it seems like the construction will be pretty similar to buildings like 75 portland, so it's not as if it hasn't been done.
My guess it that this project could be considered "complicated" because they are building it to be LEED approved.
I think by complicated they mean that the building does not have many typical elements, and there is an incredible amount of detail for a building of this size. Every floor is slightly different, which is how they create the look of the facades. Also, due to the many setbacks, there are more transfer elements to be built (Since set backs do not line up vertically in most cases, which is hard to tell from that rendering). The complexity comes from the detailed nature of the design, there is very little copy and paste up the building like in a lot of condos.
Dropped by earlier today. I'm no expert and I'm just eyeballing it, but the current depth seems appropriate for two underground levels, or maybe three with low ceilings. Either they're just about done or they have one more level to go.

This isn't a very high building, so it shouldn't require all that many spots (and not all units come with parking spaces), but there was that underground parking deal they had, so who knows how much parking this building will require.
