I have not seen (and the renderings - of which I am always a bit wary - do not show) how the tower portion 'interacts' with the lovely row on the south side of Colbourne and does not tell us much of how it will interact with Market Square across Church Street or, god knows, the 47 storey proposal for King. At the moment, I am neither again the proposal or in favour of it - I need more information.

I agree we need to see more renderings. In the meantime I imagine that the glass tower would interact with the Colborne row in a similar way that the glass towers in the Distillery react with the low rise heritage buildings there. This seems to be an approach we see being used all over the city. Personally, I like it.
Co-Developer: CD Capital
It's from 7-9pm at Snell Hall, 65 Church Street. This is the new building behind the St James Cathedral and there is an open house starting at 6.30. The preliminary Report from the City is at http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2012/te/bgrd/backgroundfile-46268.pdf

It was standing room capacity at the meeting with owmers and board members from all the condo buildings in the area. And, naturally, everyone (condo owners, condo board members, Councillor Pam McConnell) spoke out against having a tall building being built that would affect the character of St. Lawrence Market area. As well, nobody could understand why Freed would request from the City of Toronto to amend the current bylaws restricting tall buildings in the area.

It was "deja vu" all over again when Great Gulf Homes had their presentation a few years ago for a 45 storey condo project on the same site.

So, I expect that they will not get approval to build a tall building on this site. And, based upon, the presentation by the City of Toronto planner, I sense that he has to go thru the process but he doesn't intend to recommend an approval for a tall building.

It will be interesting what will happen with this project.
The public meeting was very well attended (I estimate 400 people were there) and the comments polite (in general) and generally negative. The major neighbourhood concerns were the shadowing from the tower, the very tall podium on Churchand the fact that most people seemed to think the planned development would not "fit" into the existing historic neighbourhood. There was also considerable anger at Freed's decision to market it before he submitted an application ("this may be standard practice in King West but it's not what we expect here!"). The City planning staff were there in force and I expect that many of these points will be in their report to Community Council (June or July meetings). I can see this going to OMB unless Freed changes tack.
It was noted that there has been a recent rush of tall building applications in the St Lawrence nighbourhood, the first of which - the Greyhound Site at 154 Front East - goes to OMB in June (for a temporary parking lot) and for the proposed building in October. 154 Front will clearly be a test case for heighta nd density in the neighbourhood.
But honestly this isn't even in the neighborhood ! I don't consider anything on the west side of Church to be ... 25 floors for this locations seems perfect ...
It seems like a good step down from the much taller Spire, just a couple blocks north. I'm actually surprised that Freed didn't try to go even higher.
To me i couldnt care less if this gets built or not....but sounds like these neighbouhood folks now want to control on how about a developer markets his development
If i was a money guy, i wouldnt be touching anything in that sacred area with a 10-foot pole...
It seems like a good step down from the much taller Spire, just a couple blocks north. I'm actually surprised that Freed didn't try to go even higher.

The planning guidelines for this site expect a step-down from Yonge via King Eddy. KE is ca (regular) 19 floors and Freed wants 25+penthouse. Spire was awarded additional height because by giving it the existing very low heights of the St James Cathedral block will be maintained 'for ever' and they contributed $$ to fix up the Parish House at corner of Church & Adelaide.
The planning guidelines for this site expect a step-down from Yonge via King Eddy. KE is ca (regular) 19 floors and Freed wants 25+penthouse. Spire was awarded additional height because by giving it the existing very low heights of the St James Cathedral block will be maintained 'for ever' and they contributed $$ to fix up the Parish House at corner of Church & Adelaide.

If the guidelines call for 19 floors, then Freed going for 25 isn't a massive stretch. How often have we seen proposals approved that are dozens of floors over what the plan calls for? I'd place my bets on Freed winning at the OMB.
I hope they can find a compromise for both sides on this project. This is one of my favourite developments currently in the city as it is very well planned in terms of overall design.

On the other hand, I wouldn't mind if the city planners shred that massive slab proposal next doors to pieces. That project really needs a lot more refinement.
