When I did a Co-op program at aA several summers ago, I did see 40 Bond Street as being their main inspiration for the podium
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The orange branded hoarding has been replaced with plain plywood (rapidly, and randomly being postered last night). Neighbourhood gossip says they didn't get a sign permit.
so 40 Bond is an amazing building.... it was done with a very high budget, and it was innovative. The way the moulded glass surrounds the glass pane windows is amazing, as well as the graffiti-inspired gates. Sixty Colborne is a great example of Architects Alliance's lack of creativity.... in my imagination this is how the design was conceived: Peter Clewes: "hey- that building in new york looks cool, lets copy it!" Peter Freed: "we can't just copy it.... what if we make it orange?" PC:" okay, and lets also add 30 stories of generic condos on top, so we can make more money" PF: "but that wont relate to the base?" PC: "eh, who cares, its toronto, they dont care about originality, character or design, we can probably just market it, and then build something different to save money."

I hope the orange glass happens. I really do. But i'm not holding my breath.
so 40 Bond is an amazing building.... it was done with a very high budget, and it was innovative. The way the moulded glass surrounds the glass pane windows is amazing, as well as the graffiti-inspired gates. Sixty Colborne is a great example of Architects Alliance's lack of creativity.... in my imagination this is how the design was conceived: Peter Clewes: "hey- that building in new york looks cool, lets copy it!" Peter Freed: "we can't just copy it.... what if we make it orange?" PC:" okay, and lets also add 30 stories of generic condos on top, so we can make more money" PF: "but that wont relate to the base?" PC: "eh, who cares, its toronto, they dont care about originality, character or design, we can probably just market it, and then build something different to save money."

I hope the orange glass happens. I really do. But i'm not holding my breath.

LOL. You've just sounded the alarm. The aA bots are well on their way to this thread.

I hope to God the orange stays because without it this would just be another generic building. Their entire marketing was orange. Everything. The kitchen, the sales booklet, everything. I think the orange will stay.
It would be more like
Freed: I really like 40 Bond, and I want to do something special on land I have at King and Church. It needs to have this many units and I need a design from you that fits within this budget. So, let's start talking about a building with 40 Bond as a starting point inspiration-wise.
Clewes: Okay, we'll try to make something work.

I like what they've come up with for the base (although it seems we don't know what we're getting for the ground floor now?), but I don't really know how I feel about the upper floors. architectsAlliance typically deliver pretty handsome buildings though, with attention to detail that some many other firms seem not to know how it handle (you won't see indiscriminate mullions nor excessive spandrel on aA buildings), and their collaborations with Freed have produced some terrific buildings (550 Wellington West for example), so I'm not particularly worried.
LOL. You've just sounded the alarm. The aA bots are well on their way to this thread.

I hope to God the orange stays because without it this would just be another generic building. Their entire marketing was orange. Everything. The kitchen, the sales booklet, everything. I think the orange will stay.
Oh, congrats, you beat the aA bot by 3 minutes.

So I'm an aA bot, and you're not an anti-aA bot? What an empty bit of rhetoric your sneer is.
so 40 Bond is an amazing building.... it was done with a very high budget, and it was innovative. The way the moulded glass surrounds the glass pane windows is amazing, as well as the graffiti-inspired gates. Sixty Colborne is a great example of Architects Alliance's lack of creativity.... in my imagination this is how the design was conceived: Peter Clewes: "hey- that building in new york looks cool, lets copy it!" Peter Freed: "we can't just copy it.... what if we make it orange?" PC:" okay, and lets also add 30 stories of generic condos on top, so we can make more money" PF: "but that wont relate to the base?" PC: "eh, who cares, its toronto, they dont care about originality, character or design, we can probably just market it, and then build something different to save money."

I hope the orange glass happens. I really do. But i'm not holding my breath.

Haw haw haw. Clever...
Nothing to see here folks:




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