Remember that the north side of the building will eventually be obscured by a second tower in the complex, this is only the first out of 5 towers or something like that.
Not a fan of this, at all.




I have nothing against the form of the building in general, but the gray on gray on gray is dull on dull on lovely Roman bricks. If only the spandrel provided some relief from the relentless, unrelieved colourlessness. What if the developer and architect had dared to go—on at least some of the spandrels—with a rusty red-brown similar in tone to the colour that Wallman Architects have applied on The Yorkville and which is now showing up on Bisha? You'd have a complimentary rich earth tone to go with the beautiful bricks, and you'd have warmth and an indication of the human touch. What we have instead looks overly machined to my eyes, without looking slick, and if you're going with the machined look, it had better be slick.

So, either more warmth or more slickness, please, and less of the dishwater-dull middle ground.

According to an email update from Pemberton, Phase 2 construction starts in March.
Lots of activity today, with forms going up, cement being poured, etc. Looks like they won't be digging down any further than one level below the surface.

April 28, 2016



June 1, 2016

That's so banal and uninspired that it's just terrible. There's the overuse of grey spandrels, the lack of interesting colour choices, and a general lack of architectural features besides utilitarian repetition of balconies. From the exterior, it looks like the kind of apartment building where you rent because you have to, but you look forward to the day you can move out.
