1 block I hoped no tourist would have to experience now gone, another 10,000+ blocks to go.
Ok I didn’t love the block either but have been enjoying it more the last couple of years.
But 10,000 more blocks? That’s a bit too much of an exaggeration.
1 block I hoped no tourist would have to experience now gone, another 10,000+ blocks to go.
This city is the poorer for not having Tacos 101 here. Good luck to us getting as good a spot that feels half as authentic in what will be built here. You can plan tear-downs of every block citing some clueless tourist you want to impress, but I want a city that has some character left in it when your bulldozery is complete.

I'm just happy to see the Ali Baba's gone. That specific location--though, of course, the entire germ-infested chain--was a luxury resort for stomach parasites. Disgusting.
This city is the poorer for not having Tacos 101 here. Good luck to us getting as good a spot that feels half as authentic in what will be built here. You can plan tear-downs of every block citing some clueless tourist you want to impress, but I want a city that has some character left in it when your bulldozery is complete.


The affection many Torontonians have for hideous ramshackle blight in the name of 'character' is astonishing. You may have an affinity for it but it's a huge stretch to expect others to. I want better architecture just like the next person but I'm not going to defend the indefensible.

Regarding visitors to our city, I have zero interest in impressing tourists. They may be strangers but I'd still like to spare them the misfortune of stumbling upon that horror show of a block.
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There's still something to be said about the ramshackle, torched block. It has character from the many years of owners carving out their own businesses. What's replacing it all is a large, bland podium with the character of Bay Street.

You have to admit those buildings are ridiculously small for modern-day downtown Toronto though, especially so close to Yonge and Dundas..
I'm not convinced this building's going to be much of an improvement over the "primitive" buildings it's replacing.

If this is what we're getting, then you're probably right.

