About two storey below grade, eh? Is it just one tower or both under construction? So, how many levels of parking are there? For instance,if there four levels wouldn't that mean 29 storeys above grade? ... that is if grade remains constant ;)
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I've been told that the second building is 70% sold. Not too sure if that equals up to 100 units?
A few pics from Nov 21,09 -- 12pm








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Thanks for the pics Matori! Glad to see SB progressing along nicely...I wonder what they are going to do with all of those oversized planters??? :confused:
guess we now know that it's no longer a marketing sham :p

according to the sales manager, the sales center will be torn down very soon and rebuilt ???? Sounds like a waste of money, but she assured me that the old sales center was an existing building.
prices are up!

My real-estate agent went to SB for some new customers (good news = price has gone up by 5k, and in a couple of weeks parking is no longer going to be free)
lets see what happens to the land directly south!

I was around that area tonight and noticed the land directly south of southbeach got cleared away, I think a new sales office for a future project on the land is going up soon! anybody else notice this??
Caddyfleet....I think we've already established that the land south of SB is going to be developed. The thing we don't know is whether the other projects are going to be able to compete with SB on:

a) Price
b) Finishes
c) Quality
d) Layouts
e) Ammenities

I've been to many sales centers and checked out a lot of projects....other than location, I don't think many condos can match what SB has to offer. Just my opinion of course...
thanks for the info caddyfleet ... so the lands south of South Beach is already making way for a sales office for some sort? Hmm... I guess the Onni Developments site is starting sooner than we thought

Here's some info on the future developments in the area:

Could someone maybe make a map of where all the developments in this area are going? Pretty Please : - )

I'm hardly ever in this area so I can't visualize them at all.

Looks like the lands owned by Onni Developments south of the South Beach site will see condos built on them sooner than expected ~

Click to Enlarge

Image source: posts in the South Beach thread
Caddyfleet....I think we've already established that the land south of SB is going to be developed. The thing we don't know is whether the other projects are going to be able to compete with SB on:

a) Price
b) Finishes
c) Quality
d) Layouts
e) Ammenities

I've been to many sales centers and checked out a lot of projects....other than location, I don't think many condos can match what SB has to offer. Just my opinion of course...

how many other projects has southbeach completed?
I believe Amexon Developments only has 1 residential project in Toronto to-date, being South Beach ... I think they are more a commercial developer and are involved in property management operations

thanks for the info caddyfleet ... so the lands south of South Beach is already making way for a sales office for some sort? Hmm... I guess the Onni Developments site is starting sooner than we thought

Here's some info on the future developments in the area:

In your picture you show ONNI being on the corner of lakeshore and parklawn,. . Who is develping the land directly south of southbeach.. 42 parklawn and 36 parklawn. curretly directly south is an empty fenced in property [this is the 1 I seen them clear out yesterday[ and south of that is the printing press. the printing press told me the fenced in empty land was owned by an old lady that sold it and the printing press is moving in less than 1 year.
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