Architect: Arsenault Architect, II BY IV DESIGN
Address: 90 Park Lawn Road, Toronto, Canada
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2012
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 27 storeys
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What is that oval shaped structure near the entrance that is under construction, don't remember seeing it on the model in the presentation centre.
You are asking about this:


It looked like this in the model:


Yes, thank you, that's exactly what I was referring to. That pic comparison makes it clear.

Also, would you know how accurate that outdoor pool entrance is in your model pic? do they intend to keep it as in the render, open access with the hedges?
Also, would you know how accurate that outdoor pool entrance is in your model pic? do they intend to keep it as in the render, open access with the hedges?

There are a number of small changes in the location of items compared to what is seen in the model, so I would not expect it to be the exactly same… but neither do I have any reason to suspect something completely different either. Either wait and see, or give the sales office a call?

There are a number of small changes in the location of items compared to what is seen in the model, so I would not expect it to be the exactly same… but neither do I have any reason to suspect something completely different either. Either wait and see, or give the sales office a call?


That retail looks like it's going to be nice with decent sized stores and large sidewalks out front.
I was told that one of the spaces was going to be a coffee shop...not a Starbucks, but something more authentic in keeping with the Southbeach theme. Not sure what that could be though?
There are two Starbucks on Ocean Drive in Miami Beach, and others close by. How much more authentic can one expect?!

Does anyone know how the retail works in consideration to ownership?

Does the developer retain ownership and leaese out to tentants or is it the condominium board?
Does anyone know how the retail works in consideration to ownership?

Does the developer retain ownership and leaese out to tentants or is it the condominium board?

The developer will own the retail spaces and lease them out to tenants. The only one that has been confirmed so far is a Gelato Place....mmmm yummy!!! Mr.Christie Cookies and Gelato for breaky :cool:

A few pics of the interior lobby area under construction to wet your appetites :p


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