
Senior Member
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Apr 25, 2007
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This site is on the other side of South Park from the Pavilia towers now under construction:

Screenshot 2021-03-01 114443.png

Six towers up to 50 stories:

Screenshot 2021-03-01 114524.png

Screenshot 2021-03-01 114546.png
This is the remaining large parcel at the southwest corner of Highway 7 and South Park Road in Markham. 3 towers proposed along Highway 7 at 38, 38, and 42 storeys, a school and park block south of them, then 3 more towers along the 407 of 40, 45, and 50 storeys. Also includes a proposed 4-storey commercial building with a grocery store adjacent to their existing buildings under construction here. A total of 2,603 units are proposed.

south park rd.png
If @Paclo or @Northern Light wants to look more into this.

Taken from the https://pub-markham.escribemeetings...English&Agenda=Merged&Item=34&Tab=attachments

Loaction: South side of Highway 7 East, between South Park Road and Bayview Avenue in the Leitchcroft community.


OLT decision to approve a settlement which revised the Proposed Development to include: six apartment towers with heights ranging between 34 and 50 storeys joined by podiums. The Proposed Development also includes two parks and a school block. This zoning bylaw amendment also includes site-specific provisions to permit the development of a supermarket within the Leitchcroft community.

In its decision, the Tribunal allowed the appeals of OPA and ZBL and ordered those planning instruments be assigned a number. The OPA modifies the City’s 2014 Official Plan to permit residential uses, limited retail and service uses adjacent to Highway 7 East, building heights of up to 50 storeys and an overall 5.0 Floor Space Index (FSI), along with area and site specific policy revisions to secure the school site, on the Subject Lands.

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