so what does we have planned for the TBMs once they have finished their jobs on Spadina?
so what does we have planned for the TBMs once they have finished their jobs on Spadina?

If Metrolinx manages to create a new tax in 2014, then they'll be stored and used on the DRL.

Otherwise, I would hope we'll try and sell them. A TBM only has a lifespan of about 15 years and that's if its being used (they need to run, storage isn't good for the seals and hydraulics).
so what does we have planned for the TBMs once they have finished their jobs on Spadina?

If Metrolinx manages to create a new tax in 2014, then they'll be stored and used on the DRL and Yonge (saving about 1% of their budgets).

Otherwise, I would hope we'll try and sell them. A TBM only has a lifespan of about 15 years and that's if its being used (storage isn't good for the seals and hydraulics).
Otherwise, I would hope we'll try and sell them. A TBM only has a lifespan of about 15 years and that's if its being used (they need to run, storage isn't good for the seals and hydraulics).

The TBMs are refurbished before every single drive. Their lifespan is virtually infinite so long as they are properly cared for.

Toronto, Ont.
15 years and infinite can't both be true.

Sheppard's had a working life expectancy of about 20km before requiring a major rebuild (cutting head, frame, etc.).

Storage is expensive because in order for them to continue to be useful they still need to be fully maintained as if they were operating.

If you perform the maintenance, then you might as well sell them because after 15 years you can afford new ones. If you don't perform the maintenance, don't expect them to be very usable.

Yes, they'll last forever if you maintain them but the cheapest option is not necessarily to store and maintain them unless there is an immediate use.

In the case of a Hudak win with a majority vote (super-majority of seats) and Metrolinx is unable to pass a new tax then we might assume the TBMs would be idle for a decade or more (2 full terms plus a few years).

I suppose the answer then is both. It's like those axes that people get passed down from their great-great-grandfather. The handle has been replaced dozens of times, and the head replaced once per generation, but some consider the ax to be 150 years old despite having no component over 20 years in age.

If you're willing to replace the majority of parts in a TBM periodically, including the frame, then you can run or store it forever.
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TTC commissioners refused to reopen the station names as per the noticed of Motion from last month meeting.

The names that were approved a few months ago will remain as is.
must be a ton of paperwork to rename a station. And alot of control find + change all's.

They'd save money on letters if they used Steeles West and Vaughan Centre as the TTC originally planned.
First time I've ever heard anyone say they liked Leslie Station. To me it looks like a low-rent mausoleum; the tiles repeat themselves and at least one of those repeating tiles has "Sheppard" spelled wrong.

My favourite art on that line is the Yonge Street mosaic on the Sheppard level of Sheppard-Yonge Station.

I like Leslie Station way better. I like the tiles using different writing style "Leslie & Sheppard"
