I don't think York's plan was to have no buses on campus whatsoever; just to reduce traffic overall and keep them out of that congested loop they do around the common area in front of the student centre, Vari Hall etc. , turning it into more a pedestrian-friendly campus centre.

I also think it's fair to say all these service plans are just that - plans - and will change once they see how travel patterns shift once everything's up and running (particularly if any kind of fare integration comes into play either before then or shortly after).
Lovely addition to the urban landscape :(

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well they could always have snaking vines grow up the sides...or they can plant some redwood trees that will one day grow to block the concrete ;)
Lovely addition to the urban landscape :(

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It's great to see that Vaughan is taking important steps like this that will help push them toward their utterly delusional fantasy of:


Vaughan is currently in the middle of an exciting and historic transformation – one that
re-brand ourselves from a suburban community into that of a world-class city.

"Re-brand ourselves" = we'll just hire a marketing firm to do that for us while we continue to do stupid things like build a parking garage in our new city centre. Anybody excited?


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I also have to post this jewel. The amount of chest-thumping going on in this city is truly staggering.

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Lol at "vibrant city". And where is the "wealth of cultural heritage" or "historic neighbourhoods" you speak of?



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I'm as happy to bash Vaughan as the next guy but ill informed ad hominem (or ad municipalum?) comments are adding zero to the discussion. Vaughan has multiple heritage districts, particularly in Kleinburg, Thornhill and Maple. Not to criticize your attempt at political satire and/or wit, but it's about as relevant as me showing this picture of Toronto and asking where all its world class heritage and diversity are.

There's a subway there too - just look at all that great, progressive, transit-oriented development!

Every mayor has a BS boilerplate thing like that, I just guess you've never seen one before (except Rob Ford - his just mentioned his football coaching career). I suppose if you were a Vaughan citizen you'd want the mayor publicly downplaying the city, talking about how bad traffic is, there's too much sprawl etc. Certainly none of this unseemly ec-dev "chest-thumping." I'm sure when John Tory talks about Toronto he humbly downplays Toronto being The Best City Ever and talks honestly about all its problems.

Everything in the first paragraph is obviously true (except that it's well managed - come on, Maurizio!) and while you might find, say, The Group of 7 off-putting, there is some cultural heritage to be found.

Whatever - enjoy.

Actually on-topic: that parking lot seems a bit stupid to me but it's hardly irreplaceable in the long-term and it's not like they were going to do 100% underground parking, certainly less so in the first phases. (Shocking true fact: downtown Toronto has surface parking garages!)

Seriously - mocking Vaughan is shooting fish in a barrel. But if you're going to do it, bring something substantive to the table.


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I've always said it must suck for cities like Mississauga to border Toronto. Mississauga has 700,000+ people. If it were anywhere else on this continent it would be a major city. But because it's next to Toronto all the air gets sucked out the room.

The relationship between suburbs and their cities are similar to the relationship between microbes and their host animals. The microbes and bacteria need each other to survive; the relationship is wholly symbiotic. But nobody is going to look at an amazing animal and say, "wow, what a beautiful collection of microbes".

Anyways I think Vaughan is a wonderful place and Toronto would be nothing without its suburbs. So let's show them some love.
I've always said it must suck for cities like Mississauga to border Toronto. Mississauga has 700,000+ people. If it were anywhere else on this continent it would be a major city. But because its next to Toronto all the air gets sucked out the room.

Ignoring, of course, the fact that Mississauga has 700k+ people precisely because it borders Toronto?
Vaughan has multiple heritage districts, particularly in Kleinburg, Thornhill and Maple. Not to criticize your attempt at political satire and/or wit, but it's about as relevant as me showing this picture of Toronto and asking where all its world class heritage and diversity are.
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There's a subway there too - just look at all that great, progressive, transit-oriented development!

The small handful of heritage areas that exist are a tiny oasis of charm in a city of endless suburbia. Kleinburg is probably the prettiest of the three but I never got to visit it yet because it's located in a far flung corner of Vaughan where the primitive YRT transit system is especially useless. As much as I would like to see it, it's much easier to get to Unionville or old Richmond Hill, both of which have more streetlife than anywhere in Vaughan (aside from the parking lot at Canada's Wonderland).

As for the pictures, the difference between Vaughan and Toronto is that Vaughan's buildform is overwhelmingly suburban, sprawling industrial parks, etc. Therefore I feel like the picture I posted was perfectly representative of what Vaughan looks like to pretty much everyone. Even a simple google image search of "Vaughan" doesn't reveal any pictures of those lovely heritage districts you speak of. As soon as you scroll past all those city logos, you get stuff like this:




It is what it is. I don't have to cherry-pick anything.

Every mayor has a BS boilerplate thing like that, I just guess you've never seen one before. I suppose if you were a Vaughan citizen you'd want the mayor publicly downplaying the city, talking about how bad traffic is, there's too much sprawl etc. I'm sure when John Tory talks about Toronto he humbly downplays Toronto being The Best City Ever and talks honestly about all its problems.

No, I don't want the mayor to downplay the city. I want their rhetoric to be more in line with reality.

"I don’t think we can proclaim this a truly great city … great to me is a descriptive that I would apply to a city that has better handled these problems. Our goal in the next four years must be to unite us as one Toronto and turn a good city into a truly great one."
- John Tory​

At least Tory has good justification to talk about Toronto being "world class", given the international recognition. But that hasn't stopped him from also being honest about the issues such as traffic congestion, transit, and lack of affordable housing. He talks about that all the time.

That parking lot seems a bit stupid to me but it's hardly irreplaceable in the long-term and it's not like they were going to do 100% underground parking, certainly less so in the first phases. (Shocking true fact: downtown Toronto has surface parking garages!)

The garages were build in a different era. Many of them have since been redeveloped and continue to do so. Toronto is not building brand new ones in downtown, in 2016.

Seriously - mocking Vaughan is shooting fish in a barrel. But if you're going to do it, bring something substantive to the table.

I apologize for the lack of substance in my bashing of your fine city. But when Vaughan generates so much hot air about how vibrant and world class it is when it so obviously isn't, while feeling the need to shove the word "metropolitan" down our throats, I can't help but feel compelled to mock it.


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Toronto deserves a touch of shaming for hoarding much of the city's attractions - ROM, CN Tower, Skydome, ACC, AGO, Theatre District, etc etc in the downtown core. If our suburbs are arguably light on culture or entertainment, it's because we planned and implemented it that way.

No one complains about having to go to the Bronx to watch the Yankees. And you can get there by subway.

- Paul
Toronto deserves a touch of shaming for hoarding much of the city's attractions - ROM, CN Tower, Skydome, ACC, AGO, Theatre District, etc etc in the downtown core. If our suburbs are arguably light on culture or entertainment, it's because we planned and implemented it that way.

No one complains about having to go to the Bronx to watch the Yankees. And you can get there by subway.

- Paul
But other then NYC sports teams all the other things are downtown NYC as well.

I did go to a Raptor 905 game yesterday. The ticket was 25$ and I couldnt help think I could sit in the sprite zone for this much or go to a Jays game. That being said if MCC had a proper sports complex it would be much more inviting than the Hershey centre. Maybe I would not like paying for parking which I did not need to do yesterday but it would feel more urban and there would be places to go eat afterwards. The Hershey centre had this really weak speaker system and they had a kid there DJing and you really couldnt hear very well. On top of that there was no seats behind the backboards making the whole place feel empty.

As for other attractions I was hoping for Vaughan to try and get a NHL team beside their subway, or for Argos to get a place at downsview park. Other than that though I really dont think it is realistic for people to think attractions are going to be built outside downtown.
But other then NYC sports teams all the other things are downtown NYC as well.

I did go to a Raptor 905 game yesterday. The ticket was 25$ and I couldnt help think I could sit in the sprite zone for this much or go to a Jays game. That being said if MCC had a proper sports complex it would be much more inviting than the Hershey centre. Maybe I would not like paying for parking which I did not need to do yesterday but it would feel more urban and there would be places to go eat afterwards. The Hershey centre had this really weak speaker system and they had a kid there DJing and you really couldnt hear very well. On top of that there was no seats behind the backboards making the whole place feel empty.

As for other attractions I was hoping for Vaughan to try and get a NHL team beside their subway, or for Argos to get a place at downsview park. Other than that though I really dont think it is realistic for people to think attractions are going to be built outside downtown.

IF Toronto ever got an NFL franchise, I'd say it would probably end up at Downsview Park. NFL stadiums seat between 56,000 to 93,000 (smallest and biggest in NFL). A NFL stadium at Downsview would be an ideal location due to 1) cheaper land than downtown, 2) both TTC subway and GO Transit RER access. Though this is unlikely to happen anytime soon, it is not outside the realm of possibility with the NFL contemplating expanding internationally, specifically to Europe.
