Nothing wrong with change but the 3 terminals were never used. Only two were used and now one is used. York Region never had buses going to Wilson, it's quite far from York Region. Yes it was a terminal but it's much better to have terminals be hubs of development and not surrounded by parking lots or huge bus terminals. Somehow other cities do well without so many large bus terminals. Given the costs to build these stations more money should have been used to incentivize businesses and developers to build office/residential neighbourhoods near stations. They are doing it at VMC but not much at the other 4 stations. York U will be used well as its in the middle of a dense large campus.
Some of the parking lots at Wilson station became condo development. Perhaps one of the bus terminals could be made into retail (all because of Downsview Airport).
Pioneer station will be pretty busy. 3 of the 6 new stations will probably be pretty empty - Vaughan, 407, and downsview park. Pioneer village, York u, and finch west will be well used.

I think the Vaughan station will be busy with the condos and office buildings going up, never mind the bus connections, especially Zum. More YRT riders will transfer there than at PV Station.
I think the Vaughan station will be busy with the condos and office buildings going up, never mind the bus connections, especially Zum. More YRT riders will transfer there than at PV Station.

I think it all depends on how they charge the double fare north of Steeles. If it's double fare + YRT or Zum, this station will make Bessarion look like Union in comparison. I guess time will tell.
I think it all depends on how they charge the double fare north of Steeles. If it's double fare + YRT or Zum, this station will make Bessarion look like Union in comparison. I guess time will tell.

I'm positive a person boarding at Vaughan Centre or 407 Transitway stations will pay the same single $2.90 Presto/$3.25 cash fare as anyone boarding from within Toronto's borders.

As for Pioneer "Village", since when did a village warrant a subway stop? The inanity of Maria Augimeri's naming choice over the far more conventional Steeles West still haunts us to this day.
The issue, I think, isn't that it's a VILLAGE but that it's not directly adjacent. Having a "Science Centre" station on the Crosstown makes perfect sense, for example. But "Pioneer Village" could have been more accurately called "York University Track and Field" or "UPS Parking Lot."

(Even in the case of Science Centre, Don Mills is really just where the parking lot ends so that one is debatable too; but at least PART of the centre is there. Maybe when the Celestica site is redeveloped, not calling it Don Mills will seem sillier but it at least makes some sense.)

But the core issue was the process. I forget all the details but TTC has an actual naming policy and, over the course of like a year, tossed it out the window. Changing Downsview made sense and when Vaughan changed from VCC to VMC it was a fair request by Vaughan to call the station that (despite all the syllables) but that request touched off a whole, "Wait - we can just change the names to whatever we want??" frenzy. They rendered their own policy meaningless. I don't even know if it's still on the books in any form. (You can see it on P.4 of this 2010 document.)

Yeah, it's a stupid name given the geographic context, especially given how rarely (e.g. Museum) TTC uses a name that's not an intersection. But it's done and, really, over the long term who cares? Heck, Black Creek is a nice place to take the kids so maybe it will have the side effect of bringing a few more people up there. They'll have a bit of a surprising walk once they're upstairs but still...
Must not forget that Steeles Avenue is in the middle of suburban sprawl. By sprawl, we mean usually asphalt or private landscaping where we are forbidden to walk on.

Pioneer Village.jpg

"Pioneer Village" itself is actually at the southwest corner of Steeles Avenue West and Murray Ross Parkway.


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They'll have a bit of a surprising walk once they're upstairs but still...

You mean people won't be able to walk 5 minutes (if that) to Pioneer Village?
Must not forget that Steeles Avenue is in the middle of suburban sprawl. By sprawl, we mean usually asphalt or private landscaping where we are forbidden to walk on.

View attachment 84195
"Pioneer Village" itself is actually at the southwest corner of Steeles Avenue West and Murray Ross Parkway.
At least the UPS distribution centre is getting its own subway station.
alos don't forget the entrance to pioneer village isn't on Steeles West it's off of a side street then you would have to walk through the parking lot to get to it. It's not like taking the bis to the Zoo where the TTC loop is right at the main entrance.
alos don't forget the entrance to pioneer village isn't on Steeles West it's off of a side street then you would have to walk through the parking lot to get to it. It's not like taking the bis to the Zoo where the TTC loop is right at the main entrance.

Pioneer Village was designed for the suburban automobile. Hopefully, they are planning for a better access when the Pioneer Village Station opens. (Ditto for the Science Centre Station when the Eglinton Crosstown LRT opens.)
Pioneer Village was designed for the suburban automobile. Hopefully, they are planning for a better access when the Pioneer Village Station opens. (Ditto for the Science Centre Station when the Eglinton Crosstown LRT opens.)

What is up with a Science Centre Station? I drive through Don Mills and Eglinton daily.
Far too much scepticism here. Who knows whether it will rain tomorrow? Five and seven and ten years in the future is a long time. Hey 407 is shown on the city's Jane LRT 15 year plan and VMC could be the east terminus of a Bra Lyon Queen Street LRT. Far Fetched? Yes, given the record of the past forty years. No, if we don't want to throttle the golden goose in the GTHA. Stars are aligning, folks.
Why don't they move the village so it's closer to the station entrance? Wouldn't be that expensive considering they sunk a quarter of billion dollars into a station that ostensibly serves an attraction worth a fraction that cost.
