Some pics of York University Station from Saturday's Doors Open event.

Cool place!





Someone thinks they can do it cheaper than the TTC, accept transfers from the TTC and expect the TTC to subsidize them? Not happening in nine hells.
That's not how it work. They'd receive a subsidy, either annually or per passenger. The idea is that they'd try and bid something less than TTC is going to have to pay.
That's not how it work. They'd receive a subsidy, either annually or per passenger. The idea is that they'd try and bid something less than TTC is going to have to pay.

It would probably work the same way that Go Train service operates (and the same way that the TTC contracts service to York Region) - the TTC would get all fare revenue and pay a fixed a private company to operate the LRT. The public operator (TTC or Crosslinx) would still own the fleet and the infrastructure, but the contractor would take care of things like staffing and maintenance. I'm not sure how it would work at the three transfer stations though.
Perhaps the other 4 stations will be open for Doors Open next year.
Extremely unlikely that that would happen because by next year the stations will already be fully operational, in which case you're free to check out those stations whenever. I guess the TTC could pull off a Doors Open at some of those stations since they'll be so underutilized, especially on a Saturday, that it wouldn't be such a bothersome thing for them to have information stands and such but I still highly doubt that will happen...
Perhaps the other 4 stations will be open for Doors Open next year.
You can see the other 4 stations in Qct when they have their open houses as well the current 2. They will be held on different weekends.
It would probably work the same way that Go Train service operates (and the same way that the TTC contracts service to York Region) - the TTC would get all fare revenue and pay a fixed a private company to operate the LRT. The public operator (TTC or Crosslinx) would still own the fleet and the infrastructure, but the contractor would take care of things like staffing and maintenance. I'm not sure how it would work at the three transfer stations though.
The problem with having anyone but the TTC operate the Crosstown line is who provides shuttle buses when it breaks down or who provides buses when it's closed for the day. Th TTC said they wouldn't unless they were the ones providing the operators for it. Alos Metrolinx doisn't relly seem to be talking to anyone about the Crosstown right now I was talking with the CEO of Tconet on saturday at DOwnsview Park station and he was saying he hasn't herd anything from them despite trying to get in touch with them about installing Internet for them so it's the same network as on the TTC, also they provide the back end conditions for presto and for the message boards in the stations.
The problem with having anyone but the TTC operate the Crosstown line is who provides shuttle buses when it breaks down or who provides buses when it's closed for the day. Th TTC said they wouldn't unless they were the ones providing the operators for it.

The TTC has said a lot of things. I'm sure they'll be the ones providing replacement shuttles.

Alos Metrolinx doisn't relly seem to be talking to anyone about the Crosstown right now I was talking with the CEO of Tconet on saturday at DOwnsview Park station and he was saying he hasn't herd anything from them despite trying to get in touch with them about installing Internet for them so it's the same network as on the TTC, also they provide the back end conditions for presto and for the message boards in the stations.

All of this work is still a few years away, and if there's one thing Metrolinx is going to make sure it's that the stations are properly set up for their farecard system.
The TTC has said a lot of things. I'm sure they'll be the ones providing replacement shuttles.

That's only because they negotiated to run the line, they basically said if they didn't they wouldn't run shuttles. I doubt Metrolinx is going to want to get a bunch of buses to just sit around for when the crosstown breaks down or there is a fire person or car on tracks or some other delay, nor would any other company that runs it. It puts the TTC in a unique position where as they can provide a service that other companies can't.

All of this work is still a few years away, and if there's one thing Metrolinx is going to make sure it's that the stations are properly set up for their farecard system.
True but it's stuff the needs to be planned out now. Tconnect put in all the infrastructure for the TYSE well it was being built they didn't wait until everything was finished to come in and put everything in place.
That's only because they negotiated to run the line, they basically said if they didn't they wouldn't run shuttles. I doubt Metrolinx is going to want to get a bunch of buses to just sit around for when the crosstown breaks down or there is a fire person or car on tracks or some other delay, nor would any other company that runs it.

Is the TTC going to let one of its core services go completely down at times over a spat with Metrolinx? I doubt it.
Is the TTC going to let one of its core services go completely down at times over a spat with Metrolinx? I doubt it.
If the TTC does not have stake in it then it's not their problem. They don't provide shuttle buses for Go Transit or UPX neither of which they run both are actually contracted to Bombardier for the train operations. Why should the Crosstown if it's run bey someone else be any different?

Ther are simali cerciomsatncew with theeTYSE wthat they are still working out with York Region I was speaking with someone from the TTC at Downsview Park station on saturday and it still hasn't bee worked out yet what happens when shuttle buses need to be used on the line outside of Toronto.
If the TTC does not have stake in it then it's not their problem. They don't provide shuttle buses for Go Transit or UPX neither of which they run both are actually contracted to Bombardier for the train operations. Why should the Crosstown if it's run bey someone else be any different?
Because the Crosstown is replacing existing TTC service and will run on TTC fares.
