Recent TTC CEO report mentions that Finch West poses risk to the critical path - not good - which looks like its affecting Comissioning. Also mentions that site works at Finch West have been transferred to Granscan, not sure what that means ie. Bondfield out?

It is a typo in the report. I believe Andy meant GRASCAN not Granscan. They have experience with Metrolinx and I can only assume Finch West is at risk of setting the whole project behind so they transferred it someone else.

I wonder if the TYSSE will open late as opposed to December.
Looks like transferring it is a good idea. As I drove by this morning, there were lots of workers on site, as opposed to the other days where it looked abandoned.
Quote from the report:

The performance scorecard above has not changed since last month, but continues to be in my commentary due to the highlighted risk.
Numerous schedule and cost risks are being tracked and mitigated through an active approach to commercial management and critical path management.
Work is progressing extremely well. Five of the six stations are now complete, the most recent being Highway 407. The last station to complete will be Finch West at the end of September.
Testing and commissioning of assets and systems is well under way. Test trains have been worked through the full length of the new tunnels and the essential task of safety and other approvals paperwork continues apace.
Claims work is progressing and the project remains on schedule and within the revised budget envelope to open at year end, 2017

Doesn't sound like they are super concerned.

Huh? Finch West hasn't started construction. I think they might be doing some utility relocation and maybe working on the MSF, but zero track/station work has been done and obviously there are zero working Flexity Freedom LRVs in Ontario.
Your wires appear to be crossed!
Finch West the subway station, not Finch West the LRT.
I'd be very concerned if I was the TTC and i'd give Finch West a 0/10 chance of being complete by the end of September, unless they plan on having construction workers on site everyday of the week from now until then.

Bondfield is just an inept contractor when it comes to transportation construction so nothing they do surprises me.
I'd be very concerned if I was the TTC and i'd give Finch West a 0/10 chance of being complete by the end of September, unless they plan on having construction workers on site everyday of the week from now until then.

Bondfield is just an inept contractor when it comes to transportation construction so nothing they do surprises me.

Depending on the level of completion they may be able to bypass the station until the station building itself is complete. That may require people to sign off but at the risk of it becoming an issue so close to the 2018 election I can see them doing that rather than delaying the opening.
Every year for the past 6 on the Tuesday night of the ROGERS Cup I fight my my way from downtown up to getting there about 5:30 to grab a bite before the evening sessions begin at 7......nice to know this is the last year of it being such a hassle.
Just saw this. I used to go to the occasional seminar near the tennis centre at 7 pm. I'd catch the last GO Train to York University, and sneak onto the mostly empty campus shuttlebus. Though I don't know if the meets work as well now, with later trains - but it was very fast!
Just saw this. I used to go to the occasional seminar near the tennis centre at 7 pm. I'd catch the last GO Train to York University, and sneak onto the mostly empty campus shuttlebus. Though I don't know if the meets work as well now, with later trains - but it was very fast!
The evening session of tennis starts at 7......TBH never thought of using the GO train...always just drove on tennis days and skipped out of office around 4 and met my friend on campus around 5:45 to get something to eat before the matches began.
Yesterday I noticed that I was on a train that had "Vaughan" on the destination sign. It didn't scroll like "Sheppard West" does. Not exciting, just an observation.
I'm pretty disappointed the TTC decided against putting the full fledged "Vaughan Corporate Metropolis Downtown Station" on the destinations signs, it's pretty unfortunate.
Yesterday I noticed that I was on a train that had "Vaughan" on the destination sign. It didn't scroll like "Sheppard West" does. Not exciting, just an observation.

Damnit... I want to know WHERE in Vaughan I am going...

All joking aside though technically both 407 Station and VMC are both in Vaughan. I can see them changing that sometime due to people being people.
Yesterday I noticed that I was on a train that had "Vaughan" on the destination sign. It didn't scroll like "Sheppard West" does. Not exciting, just an observation.

That's because higher transit to Vaughan is now a given, whereas higher order transit on Sheppard is still a moving target.


- Paul
