The Dentures, The Mouth Guard, The Retainer or the Toilet Seat perhaps?

And the Hwy 407 station should be called the Polycom?

it will most likely be ignored and filed away just like any other petition ever submitted on to a major corporation. The biggest problem with them is anyone can sign it and there is no proof of where they're from or who they are. Like for example on one submitted to the Walt Disney company about closing a popular nightclub at the nightclub district in Florida several years back was signed by several people called Indiana Jones and few claiming to be Obi-Wan Kenobi
But it is infuriating that a subway brought worst transit to York University for some riders.
I hope something can be worked out.
According to a TTC Customer Service Agent, this was a unilateral move by YRT which took many at the TTC by surprise. Yes there is that "Binding Agreement", but that agreement presumes that there would be fare integration by now, and the TTC wasn't going to force them to withdraw service without fare integration in place (plus if you read the agreement, it only mentions "north-south routes" anyway). If he's right, this is something that YRT wants to do (for whatever reason) and they're just using the agreement as an excuse.
According to a TTC Customer Service Agent, this was a unilateral move by YRT which took many at the TTC by surprise. Yes there is that "Binding Agreement", but that agreement presumes that there would be fare integration by now, and the TTC wasn't going to force them to withdraw service without fare integration in place (plus if you read the agreement, it only mentions "north-south routes" anyway). If he's right, this is something that YRT wants to do (for whatever reason) and they're just using the agreement as an excuse.
If what you're saying is correct, then it seems YRT wanted to reduce service. It's almost like they don't get enough funding to run more frequent and farther reaching service.
What's the status on the U-Pass for York University students. U of T voted against it in March. Has any school approved it yet?

That would end this issue. And make it easier for GO to move most service to Highway 407 station.

I'm not sure how there's that much benefit for a lot of routes, trying to cross the bottleneck south of the 407.
Time for an anecdotal ridership account.

Took the extension today northbound at 1:30 in the afternoon. Stations between Sheppard West and YorkU were ghost towns, but most seats in the train taken by students. Big crowd disembarked at YorkU. Going southbound in the PM peak, ridership from the north was decent with an enormous crowd at YorkU. This station is an absolute Taj Mahal. But it won't have any problems with ridership, buzzing with students throughout the day.

It was really disappointing to see the water stains on the walls.

Also saw markings on the platform that looked like guidelines to line up with doors. Are these for ATC?

Sheppard West was bustling as well, somewhat busier than I remember it last year.
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