DVP has a lot of development potential with the Downsview airport area being redeveloped. It will take at least a decade, but it could become similar to Wilson Station in that timeframe. 407 has no development potential because it's in the middle of a freeway. The best thing to do with that site is to shift most if not all the parking at Sheppard West, Yorkdale, and Wilson there since there is room for it, and nothing else can really go there.

Of course it doesn't, which is why I said there's no room for redevelopment. The point is that ridership for that station won't significantly increase over the next few decades (after it matures obviously).

It is true Downsview Park has the potential to get more development to attract riders to area, but, I don't know if it will happpen within next 10 years. As for 407, only ever gonna be the station to transfer from driving to the subway, or, GO to the subway.
It is true Downsview Park has the potential to get more development to attract riders to area, but, I don't know if it will happpen within next 10 years.

Not sure what the relevance of 10 years is but I think we need to step back and acknowledge that the subway had to, and did, get to York.....and the York station and PV station are doing ok. The tone of the media reports yesterday were all along the lines of "we should have built the two stations on campus and Finch West and left the others out"... you can't get from Sheppard W (former Downsview station terminus) to York or Finch without passing through the Downsview Park site....so I have no problem with that station getting built for its future potential and transit links to GO.

As for 407, only ever gonna be the station to transfer from driving to the subway, or, GO to the subway.

similarly, VMC is doing better than, I think, most suspected and we are seeing the development around the station....so it's future looks bright. I guess it could be argued that 407 station should have been maybe just roughed in until the 407 busway was built but, really, what would that have saved and, short of stopping the subway at PV, I think we can live with an underused station here.

The fact is, some station somewhere is going to be the leased used station in the system....it is how league tables work.
You see the land on the north side of Steeles heading west from the TD Canada Trust to the UPS? Basically empty fields save for a few warehouse/retail type places. You telling me that space can't be developed? @TOareaFan

I think most people would rather not live beside a hydro corridor if given a choice. Not because of "radiation"/health concerns, but simply because it's an eyesore. Now, things might be different if there was a significant discount...
That all seems to be south of the railway tracks. I believe the discussion was about Highway 407 station. I expect the east side of Jane will always be a dead zone, but what about the lands around and to the west of the station.

Though even the area around the Exchange/Jane intersection would be walk able to the station, if development there allowed convenient access to Jane, and you could actually walk into the station from Jane street. It seems rather inaccessible from the north, with signs on the sidewalk to the station saying no pedestrians.

Would it have killed them to have simply put a sidewalk to an entrance where that big window is pointing towards Jane Street?
That all seems to be south of the railway tracks. I believe the discussion was about Highway 407 station. I expect the east side of Jane will always be a dead zone, but what about the lands around and to the west of the station.

Though even the area around the Exchange/Jane intersection would be walk able to the station, if development there allowed convenient access to Jane, and you could actually walk into the station from Jane street. It seems rather inaccessible from the north, with signs on the sidewalk to the station saying no pedestrians.

Would it have killed them to have simply put a sidewalk to an entrance where that big window is pointing towards Jane Street?

Sorry, there were posts discussing lands around various TYSSE stations. Nonetheless, still relevant to the thread. Regarding Hwy 407 station, I've seen concepts for office development west of the station. That was several years ago so I don't know what current plans are.
It seems rather inaccessible from the north, with signs on the sidewalk to the station saying no pedestrians.

Would it have killed them to have simply put a sidewalk to an entrance where that big window is pointing towards Jane Street?

There actually is a sidewalk leading from Jane to the bus terminal (though it gets pinched by the wall of the building), and the sign even warns of a $500 fine for entering from it despite the terminal not being fare-paid!
I think most people would rather not live beside a hydro corridor if given a choice. Not because of "radiation"/health concerns, but simply because it's an eyesore. Now, things might be different if there was a significant discount...

It would be interesting to see if real estate data bears that out both in terms of sale price and time-on-market. There are many, many dwellings that back onto things like power corridors, rail line and busy roads (these be the folks that complain about them after moving in). I grew up backing on the E-W corridor north of Finch(which, if I recall, also contains a petroleum pipeline easement) . Another way of looking at it was we had a 'backyard' that was several hundred feet deep and miles wide.
Not sure what the relevance of 10 years is but I think we need to step back and acknowledge that the subway had to, and did, get to York.....and the York station and PV station are doing ok. The tone of the media reports yesterday were all along the lines of "we should have built the two stations on campus and Finch West and left the others out"... you can't get from Sheppard W (former Downsview station terminus) to York or Finch without passing through the Downsview Park site....so I have no problem with that station getting built for its future potential and transit links to GO.

similarly, VMC is doing better than, I think, most suspected and we are seeing the development around the station....so it's future looks bright. I guess it could be argued that 407 station should have been maybe just roughed in until the 407 busway was built but, really, what would that have saved and, short of stopping the subway at PV, I think we can live with an underused station here.

The fact is, some station somewhere is going to be the leased used station in the system....it is how league tables work.

With Downsview Park, trick factor is to redevelop the area with new development, so that the people will come. As for 407, don't know how well that will do, considering it is across from from a cemetery...
With Downsview Park, trick factor is to redevelop the area with new development, so that the people will come. As for 407, don't know how well that will do, considering it is across from from a cemetery...
But if you are extending the subway to VMC (and that station does seem to have shown some value.....perhaps even beyond expectations) you have to pass the 407 anyway and since you are planning a BRT in that corridor why not build that station too.

I guess I am saying the criticisms are, both, too micro and too early.
