Hey Ed. Does that base cladding look like they are going for seamless look or do you think they are going to plop those metal frames around the glass?
Spire (UT)

I received last month my confirmed occupancy date which will be in February, 2007 (I am on the 10th floor). I spoke to a rep. from Context and she indicated that the lower floors and podium building should be ready for occupancy by December.
Things are moving along pretty quickly now, with only two more residential floors to be completed as of this week (44 and 45) plus mechanical.
Can't wait to move in!
RJR. Excellent choice in project. I hope you have enjoy, and take lots of pictures.
Too bad they're not leaving a gap in the glass on the ground floor where the columns are. solid glass the length of the building could be just a bit monotonous - breaks at the pillars would provide some needed variety.
But that's the look of this building: monolith. (Which doesn't strike me as monotony when it's just one slender building.)

If they keep the bare concrete pillars behind the glass at ground level, I'll be pretty impressed. The glassy sheen over that rough stuff looks pretty cool - and maybe that's what the pillars at Foster's Pharmacy are missing.

^I see what you mean but "monolith" isn't what tends to work best at street level. Pedestrians need variety. And before someone mentions the TD Centre, yes, I realize there are exceptions to every rule.
If the building had a bigger footprint I'd agree with you BH.

Maybe the TD Centre works okay because it *is* the exception, rather than the rule.
Spire (UT)

Now that the exterior of the 4-storey podium building is largely complete what are people's thoughts on this portion of the project? I was a little taken aback at first but I have grown to like it now. It presents somewhat of a counterpoint to the all-glass tower.
I like it. I especially like they way they have done the windows on the north side.
I'm temped to wish there were more yellow panels, but I'll wait and see how it ends up - the sparse sprinkling of yellow might look best.
I hate the yellow panels. Looks like broken windows covered in plywood.
That's why I'm not sure of them right now...there's not enough of them to not make them look accidental.
