Is this one of these crap forums where you get banned for having a different opinion than the mods? If so, I'll surely pack my bags willingly.
You will not get banned for having a different opinion, but by referring to the NY Towers as "some of the nicest in the City", it's like you wore a Senators jersey at a bar full of die-hard Leaf fans, or admitted you think G.W. Bush's policies are great. UT members are more critical of certain buildings than posters on other forums, with NY Towers being on the opposite end of the spectrum here.
The mods even disagree on a whole range of issues. For example, I'm the only mod that has consistantly voiced discontent with the Distillery District site plan, yet I've been a mod for over a year.

Debate is fine, though one might be asked to defend their position!

By the way, I don't hate NY Towers, in fact, the night lighting almost makes them redeemable.

Necessary Evil, as a newbie yourself, that was a bit much.
If you want me to defend my position: The silver on the roofs makes them an impressive sight to behold, and I agree that the night lighting is awesome! But mainly they just have a really good location, and give the impression of Toronto city centre and and the 401 as closer than they are.
Well.. It was a gorgeous sunset tonight so here are a few photos.

Apologize for the gigantic pano.



Click here for a bigger pano....
Apologies for the bluriness. It was a hurried photo taking experience as the clouds were changing quickly.
no need to apologize. that's a wonderful view!
Please please get on the condo board and advocate kicking out those retailers from the ground floor - worst condo retail EVER. Ruins the entire look of the building from the corner of Adelaide and Church. It would even be better if it was just more lobby, if anything.

Good grief, this really is bad. Newspapers posted in some windows, junk signs and then another whole line of windows that are closed off with blinds. Whoever owns this retail (Context?) really needs to address this unfortunate mess at the street. This is not a very friendly corner.
That's even funnier then me admitting to liking the French Quarter! Vive la france!

pssst. I like it too..
Lets keep our backs to each other for the inevitable oncoming outrage.:p
That's even funnier then me admitting to liking the French Quarter! Vive la france!

Are you serious? A friend of mine bought in the French Quarter, even after I told him what a horrid mistake. What a concept: build right to the curb on two of the busiest intersections in the city.:eek: Not to mention it is an ugly building to boot!

He moved after a year. The noise, the soot, the panhandlers.

Back on topic: I looked at the Spire 5 or so years ago from plans. Why, oh why does the city allow such huge footprints? Why can we not have public plazas, a fountain, some open space around these monstrous towers?

Besides, the developer wanted $2k a floor up the south side and the building across the street has 'tear me down' written all over it. Good luck with those who paid for a good view on the south side!

Does anyone remember the waterfall and pond that used to be on Bay St. where Indigo books is now? The trouble with this city (well, one of the troubles, anyway) is that they don't stick to their guns when forcing developers to allow for public space when permitting higher densities. The pond on Bay St. is gone. The gym and pool at 555 Sherbourne is gone. None of the public spaces in St. Jamestown that were promised are maintained.

I love tall towers, but let's think more along the lines of the TD Center. Bay St. is becoming a canyon, and although this may be fine for office development, for habitation not so much.

This is not Hong Kong. Well, at least not yet.:p
