You guys should put up a plaque outside your building: The Official Condominium of The Urban Toronto Forum.

Haha, I almost bought one of the suites in Spire's podium building back in 2006.

I was too late, though. By the time I got financing together, the unit I wanted was sold. :/
Hi neighbours, I live on the 35th floor and my name is Jeff! Just thought I would introduce myself.


Oh you guys!
Your'e all startig to give me that old warm and fuzzy feeling.
I just might might bake up a batch of my homemade world famous chocolate chip oatmeal cookies and head straight over there.:D
Sexy Spire, as seen yesterday from the roof of their northern neighbour, 100 Lombard.

The base is definitely lacking for such a beautiful building... but I'm happy to report that it seems the drycleaners and other retail tenants have greatly improved their window dressing. It doesn't look so dollar store now.
I loved this building when it was first built, but all that junk on people's balconies, that ruins it's for me
I really like this sexy beast. The vertical colour slashes don't seem as noticeable as they used to, could they have faded a bit perhaps? Maybe because I've spent too much time admiring "X's" horizontal slashes which are so much more prominent especially when contrasted against black, Spire's now seem more subtle.
