Holy mackerel this is huge, i wouldn't be a bit surprised if that low rise apartment complex at the bottom of Heath street is not also included...wow
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Holy mackerel this is huge, i wouldn't be a bit surprised if that low rise apartment complex at the bottom of Heath street is not also included...wow
Interestingly, the image they've been using to show massing-- most recently in the Yonge St. Clair BIA streetscape master plan presentation, from which I took the below screenshot-- has a hole where that apartment building is. Although I imagine the rezoning gets politically more complicated when it involves tearing down an occupied rental building.
Wittington put that assembly together many years ago. They have been talking about doing something like this just as long.

It wasn't that large originally. See below. I missed this post last year, which is why the size of the assembly took me by surprise. Chester's post was in February 2018 and is on the previous page.

Since our last post ^^^ - Wittington have picked up 1507 (in 2015), 1521 (in 2016) and 1525 Yonge (just last month.)

It's quite the assembly now. I wonder when we'll see an application
While the planning docs aren't up yet, they've updated the description on the development applications page.

Application to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law to facilitate redevelopment of the site for a mixed-use development, including 1,357 dwelling units, 27,712 square metre of commercial space. The proposal will include a 4-storey street wall building along the Yonge Street frontage and a stepped 4- to 9-storey base building along Alvin Avenue with three towers of 59, 39 and 34 storeys.

I thought we'd all agreed on a two-storey street wall on this stretch of Yonge.
Which is not to say four is unreasonable (it's in line with a couple blocks south). I just wonder if that will be built, or if it will drop to two storeys during negotiations.

Edit: I'm thinking specifically of 1 Delisle and 1421 Yonge, the second of which had to reduce its proposed street wall height.
