- Introduction of a 3-storey cultural pavilion at the northwest corner of the site framing Heath and Yonge Streets and the entry-way into the interior courtyard
- Introduction of a new public library within the first two floors of a new 9-storey mid-rise building at the northeast corner of the site, framing Heath Street and the entry way into the interior courtyard.
- Shifting of the Alvin Avenue tower to the south by 25.1 metres and to the east by 4.8 metres
- Shifting of the southernmost tower along Yonge Street to the west by 7.1metres and to the north by 2.6 metres in order to maintain a minimum 25 metre separation distance from the Alvin Avenue tower
- Introduction of a new 9-storey mid-rise building to the north of the Alvin Avenue tower, stepping down to a 2-storey height at the north end adjacent Heath Street.
- Increased width and height of the three pedestrian passageways leading into the interior courtyard from Yonge Street and Alvin Avenue
- Revised the southernmost passageway along Yonge Street to be opened to the sky, providing two distinct building forms along the Yonge Street frontage, with a narrow pedestrian bridge connection on the second floor between the two towers.
- Total gross floor area has increased from 139,272 square metres to 141,607 square metres
- Total residential gross floor area has increased from 111,560 square metres to 116,644 square metres
- Total non-residential gross floor area has decreased from 27,712 square metres to 24,963 square metres
- Total number of residential units has slightly increased from 1,357 units to 1,372 units
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