Bring on the mountain sheep

Can anyone work out why we're daily tearing up random strips of road, digging down a foot or so, and then filling it back in? Any connection with the work on the ground around the new building which has been moving forward recently?

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They are making permanent repairs to 'utility cuts' - primarily from Toronto Hydro work and are doing it in sections as they cannot close this intersection for 24+ hours. When utilities need to open the road they fill it in again with no concrete base because the area needs to 'settle'. After a few months (or years) they or the City return, dig up the temporary filling down to the level of the adjacent concrete, install rebar to link the old concrete to the new, pour new concrete and, when that cures, add asphalt on top. In many cases (particularly when there are lots of patched areas) they will return in a few weeks to grind the whole area and repave the WHOLE area and I suspect that will be happening here. They will also be rebuilding the Front Street sidewalk in front of the new Market - ideally they will do this before any permanent re-paving.
They are making permanent repairs to 'utility cuts' - primarily from Toronto Hydro work and are doing it in sections as they cannot close this intersection for 24+ hours. When utilities need to open the road they fill it in again with no concrete base because the area needs to 'settle'. After a few months (or years) they or the City return, dig up the temporary filling down to the level of the adjacent concrete, install rebar to link the old concrete to the new, pour new concrete and, when that cures, add asphalt on top. In many cases (particularly when there are lots of patched areas) they will return in a few weeks to grind the whole area and repave the WHOLE area and I suspect that will be happening here. They will also be rebuilding the Front Street sidewalk in front of the new Market - ideally they will do this before any permanent re-paving.
Thanks! Very helpful info. Since the patched areas cross (and ruin) the nicely paving-lined concrete crosswalks, etc. I hope it's all redone to look right in the "end" (mindful that there's never really a final state to anything around here).
Thanks! Very helpful info. Since the patched areas cross (and ruin) the nicely paving-lined concrete crosswalks, etc. I hope it's all redone to look right in the "end" (mindful that there's never really a final state to anything around here).
Indeed, and welcome to UT (and our neighbourhood?) BTW, the City now does not make new concrete pedestrian crossings but they do (eventually) fix those that exist so, like you, I am hoping!
Useful view but not sure why you think the photo is ''interesting'. They are (finally) starting to rebuild the sidewalk on Front and what you see immediately in front of Market is the styrofoam insulation on top of the garage - it will be covered by tiles or concrete or ???.
I was talking about the "Explosives Disposal Unit" being on site...
