Update on this: I got a reply from the councillor's office saying that while they agree that the red is nice, it's in the hands of staff and they won't intervene. They recommended emailing my feedback to nslmredevelopment@toronto.ca, which I did. 🤷‍♀️

Excellent that you're following up; I really appreciate it.

I have a less flattering view of the Councillor and his staff just at the moment.............
Update on this: I got a reply from the councillor's office saying that while they agree that the red is nice, it's in the hands of staff and they won't intervene. They recommended emailing my feedback to nslmredevelopment@toronto.ca, which I did. 🤷‍♀️
I would like to hear the decision process first. I’m sure there was some rationale. Where is the equivalent SLM @bowen when you need him?
What is the penalty for painting public property at 3am? 💄❓

The serious answer?

It would depend on the cost the City assessed to have it repainted to look more boring again.

Assuming it were treated as graffiti / vandalism from the point of the view of the criminal code, its mischief.


Of course, I don't see the City/Crown pursuing the more serious angle here........but the summary offense
^Thank you! Lol And as I will be wearing a balaclava and a hoodie they will never be able to identify me! Ha!

But huge surprise! I went to my trusty Farrow&Ball online colour swatch and discovered that there are only two versions of red!


I am submitting an FOI request to see who decided to change the Trumpets from Red to Grey, what authority they had to do this and what were the costs (or cost savings). If/when I hear anything I will report back. On a personal note, I am amused to see mention of Farrow & Ball as I am related to the Ball side of this firm - though they sold their share in the 1970s. They DO make good paint!
I am submitting an FOI request to see who decided to change the Trumpets from Red to Grey, what authority they had to do this and what were the costs (or cost savings). If/when I hear anything I will report back. On a personal note, I am amused to see mention of Farrow & Ball as I am related to the Ball side of this firm - though they sold their share in the 1970s. They DO make good paint!

Go get'em! :D
I am submitting an FOI request to see who decided to change the Trumpets from Red to Grey, what authority they had to do this and what were the costs (or cost savings). If/when I hear anything I will report back. On a personal note, I am amused to see mention of Farrow & Ball as I am related to the Ball side of this firm - though they sold their share in the 1970s. They DO make good paint!
Whoever approved the change must be a joyless and miserable soul. Which is fine , but he/she has no right to impose their misery on the rest of the city.
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The bureaucrats and most developers certainly do. Grey buildings, fixtures, infrastructure to match our mostly grey winters.

There is a certain risk-aversion in this town................its not so much a hatred for colour, I don't think...........as a desire to cause as little fuss as possible.

I have to say, I have experience professionally seeing this................on any number of levels.

I think people are only rarely conscious of it........... but there is just this desire to avoid confrontation of any description......even positive.....
There is a certain risk-aversion in this town................its not so much a hatred for colour, I don't think...........as a desire to cause as little fuss as possible.

I have to say, I have experience professionally seeing this................on any number of levels.

I think people are only rarely conscious of it........... but there is just this desire to avoid confrontation of any description......even positive.....
Agreed. And maybe a condescending / patriarchal 'we know what's best for you' attitude.

As I just watched "Network" (Faye Dunaway/ Peter Finch movie) last night, I'll say: "I'M MAD AS HELL AND I'M NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE!" :)
There were complaints here and elsewhere about the type of tree pit covers they installed on the Jarvis St side of the Market last year. (They had 'trip-hazard 'collars'.) Today they have removed the tree-pit 'lids' so they MAY be trying to do better!
