To be fair, it was a church, then a mosque, and now a museum. And, maybe I'm just used to seeing it this way, but I don't mind the minarets.

Although here's an artist's depiction of what Hagia Sophia would have looked like when it was a church:


Without the minarets, it does look very similar to this Coptic Church.

I am glad someone has already started a thread for this, I drove by today and wondered what it was (New Century dim sum - not too bad also). It is becoming something of a visual spectacle. Maybe someone who lives near by can get a picture?
^ What's the progress like? Last time I checked it appeared construction has stalled and only a structural shell is standing.
Cross being raised back in April:

The church was consecrated by the Coptic Pope this weekend and is now a bishop's seat, thereby making it an official cathedral.

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...thou shall not procure a surface parking lot, should of been the Eleventh Commandment though. >.<
