Thanks for the info trumptoronto. Its appreciated.

(and pay no attention to verticalcity, for obvious reasons).
Very insightful if I don't say so myself. You're the first person I have seen on this blog that has actually tried to get inside the head of a purchaser versus looking at it just from your own perspective.

This is a forum, not a blog ;)
Is Ivanka really an Amazonian woman?


Amazon Women in the Mood (Futurama)


Ivanka Trump

Is Ivanka an Amazonian? You decide -- I suggest asking her for some 'snu-snu', and see how she reacts.
This is probably the project I'm most excited about in Toronto at the moment.

Ignoring all the annoying skepticism and criticism in this thread, if I had all the money in the world and chose to live here in Toronto, I think I would seriously consider buying in this building.
Believe it or not, there's probably more indifference than "skepticism and criticism" out there. So Trump's building a tower downtown--so what. And thank's to Zeidler's design intervention, it's more inoffensive than offensive, anyway...
Forget the tower....

I'm more excited by her rack too. My god!! Oh, and I saw them put the crane up today on the way to work.
