And a lot of said posters remember it when all that quarry-depleting marble was viewed as an all-too-unfortunately-typical Edward Durell Stone kitschscraper gesture and an ominous foretelling of the PoMo excesses of the Trump-ian 1980s...

Really? A lot of people here could see into the future and know what architectural trends would be dominant over the next 20 years? So tell me what specific trends will be dominant in 2015 and 2025, I want to know.
sorry to prolong this off topic tangent, but I must agree with Mongo that FCP is a fine building that has been allowed to deteriorate into a rather sad condition.
Really? A lot of people here could see into the future and know what architectural trends would be dominant over the next 20 years? So tell me what specific trends will be dominant in 2015 and 2025, I want to know.

Modernists will argue that you can see the trends of the future in what's known as the avant-garde, the experimental and innovative work going on right now. Of course, you can't know for sure, but some educated guesses can be made.

Postmodernists might contend that the age of innovation is behind us since "everything's been done" and so there is no avant-garde. However, we are seeing a lot of innovation due to engineering advancements as well as computer aided design.
Really? A lot of people here could see into the future and know what architectural trends would be dominant over the next 20 years?

Well, maybe not specifically the clairvoyant "proto-Trump" part, but certainly the "kitschscraper" part re FCP...
On a side note, but in keeping with TRUMP. I was reading that a few of Trumps name-sake properties have gone belly-up. Most notably, a project which was scheduled to start construction this past spring in Tampa, has not been able to sell- Trump was to be paid $1 million for the naming rights, and had no equity in the project..but the company responsible for the development couldn't come up with the money and the deal fell through. Trump is now suing for his $1 million. I would think that he has a similar deal organized here, but probably has little or no equity in the TTT project, contrary to his repeated musings about the project.

ya, that is pretty old news on the Tampa thing actually. If I recall there was a problem with the land where the building was to be constructed. Trump is also being sued by his partner in the Las Vegas deal over marketing issues...
On a side note, but in keeping with TRUMP. I was reading that a few of Trumps name-sake properties have gone belly-up. Most notably, a project which was scheduled to start construction this past spring in Tampa, has not been able to sell- Trump was to be paid $1 million for the naming rights, and had no equity in the project..but the company responsible for the development couldn't come up with the money and the deal fell through. Trump is now suing for his $1 million. I would think that he has a similar deal organized here, but probably has little or no equity in the TTT project, contrary to his repeated musings about the project.


Trump has 12% equity in TTT
Trump has 12% equity in TTT

People will deny this as much as they denied that Trump would ever rise. Clearly the crane on site is purely to fuel sales, it's not like they actually plan on BUILDING the damn thing. They're just moving around dirt.
I am not denying the fact that Trump has any equity in TTT, nor am I suggesting or denying that the project will not get built. I was merely referring to some information I came across yesterday about the Trump project in Tampa. I had no idea that it was old news, but nonetheless I thought that it was interesting about how Trump essentially leases/rents his name out.

Is it common knowledge that he has a 12% stake in TTT?

I am not denying the fact that Trump has any equity in TTT, nor am I suggesting or denying that the project will not get built. I was merely referring to some information I came across yesterday about the Trump project in Tampa. I had no idea that it was old news, but nonetheless I thought that it was interesting about how Trump essentially leases/rents his name out.

Is it common knowledge that he has a 12% stake in TTT?


Why would Trump go through all that trouble developing a property when he can just have others develop it and he put his name on it for a nice fee? He shows up for one ground breaking photo-op and cashes a fat cheque. Trump is barely a "developer" anymore. He's a marketer and promoter. Simple as that.

By the way, the Hilton family has been doing that with their hotels for a long time.
I'm not speaking of looks, I'm speaking of overall image--like it or not, at least the Donald conditioned her daughter as a business woman. And so she's got the boobs, so what; he's got the hair
