I walked by yesterday and they are actively working on the ground floor.

My office is in Scotia Plaza directly overlooking the site. I'll post some pictures (in a year or so!) once the tower gets high enough.

How about some Bay Adelaide shots?
I don't think there's any substance to these "delayed" rumours whatsoever. They seem to be arbitrarily based on the fact that the economy isn't doing well, while the people who actually know something about the project (purchasers, developers, etc), keep telling us it IS going forward.

Until we actually hear a shred of evidence otherwise, I would also suggest people stop with these nonsensical rumours.

Latest information I have from Talon is the financing is rock solid and construction is right on schedule. Adding 2 additional stories is not the planning that would be taking place if financing was an issue or the building might be capped.
Thank you all for your replies. Obviously, I struck a sore point with this posting! Yes, I am new to the UT forum, but I am not new to forums generally, construction matters, the development of Toronto or the financing of construction projects. I was merely requesting information with respect to an already reported rumour. I have no reason to believe that there is any issue with Talon or Trump, but given my experience with financing matters, and in particular given the current financial crisis, I believe it is remotely (perhaps more than remotely) possible that there could be an issue with respect to its financing. This is the most credible reason that I can think of that a rumour like this is mentioned in the press and elsewhere. I note that this is precisely the issue that was recently faced by the developer of the athletes' village in Vancouver. I also note that delays were reported on SkyscraperCity.com in December, but that a posting from Trump Toronto on that forum dismissed this. However, I also note that Bloomberg reported last week that Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich AG has been hit hard in the market and that it's share price has declined 80% in the last 6 months. If it is still the lead bank on the financing, then this is a bit troubling for it in raising the funds to lend to the developer. This does not mean that the bank cannot raise these funds. As I said, it would be a shame if construction of this tower were delayed. However, I wasn't reporting a rumour, I was just requesting information as to status and timing given an existing rumour. I am glad that others believe there is no merit to this. Unless I receive further credible information on this issue, I won't post about it again.

I will post birds-eye higher elevation pictures, however, when construction progress gets further along. I'll also see if I can get some good shots of Bay Adelaide sooner than that and post them on the Bay Adelaide thread.
We've got someone on the 41st floor of the Scotiatower to take pictures and you folks are giving him a hard time?

I got a friend on the 42nd floor no worries ;)

jk - welcome to the forum.
lol...yeah, don't worry about us 41st...we are just sensitive (in a negative way) when the word "rumour" pops up...also "cancelled", "delayed", "capped off", "i heard from a knowledgable source" don't bode well with either...
LOL, ain't it the truth....they will be working on the 59th floor, and some newbie will be reporting rumours that the tower is cancelled....:rolleyes:

Anyone else watch the MMA Fight Affliction on the Saturday?

Trump seemed happy as clam :D
So when a bank's share price is falling, and the bank is failing...does it have the power to recall a loan? Even it its customer is on a seemingly good financial footing....
So when a bank's share price is falling, and the bank is failing...does it have the power to recall a loan? Even it its customer is on a seemingly good financial footing....

A failing bank's debt obligations would most likely be purchased by another financial institution.
Just before x-mas I was talking to the owner of one of the forming contractors (it's a joint venture). He was saying that he heard some rumblings about it being put on hold after the 7th floor, but it's all talk.
So if someone with a $80 000 000-$100 000 000 contract on this building doesn't know nobody does.
I talked to him last week and he said there's still the rumor out there but nothing confirmed.

p.s. Trump only has a 5-10% stake in the building all the rest iscoming from Russa and with most of the Russan money coming from oil, I can see why the rumors are out there.

From Russa eh? I did not know that...Never heard of this Russa. I must do some research on them...

Unless you meant Tony La Russa? ;)

A failing bank's debt obligations would most likely be purchased by another financial institution.

Don't forget about la gouvernment!
Just before x-mas I was talking to the owner of one of the forming contractors (it's a joint venture). He was saying that he heard some rumblings about it being put on hold after the 7th floor, but it's all talk.
So if someone with a $80 000 000-$100 000 000 contract on this building doesn't know nobody does.
I talked to him last week and he said there's still the rumor out there but nothing confirmed.

p.s. Trump only has a 5-10% stake in the building all the rest iscoming from Russa and with most of the Russan money coming from oil, I can see why the rumors are out there.

This is too good!!

So the rumor floating around before was capping off at ground level. But now that we've reached that and there doesn't seem to be any capping so we'll push it up another 7 floors and then cap it! (or whatever you do at 7 floors) :)

I'm sure if crosses that barrier it'll be 10 then 15 then 20 ... :)

Anyway this proves that although there may indeed be substance to these rumors they're clearly just that. Notice the capping at ground level was from a reliable source! The people who worked on the project themselves.

Anyway, too funny.
