im sure the cladding will be here very shortly...

by me

Honestly, I find this tower doesn't live up to it's potential. The Trump Tower in Chicago is one of the tallest buildings in North America and yet the one in Toronto barely peaks it's head out of the skyline. One thing Toronto lacks is height. This building will be shorter than the TD Canada Trust Tower.
I think we should be demanding street improvements, plantings and the burying of poles etc. of developers rather than questionable corporate 'art' projects. This would have a far longer lasting effect on the appearance of Toronto. The city should establish guidelines (consistency of pavings, Plain trees along Bay Street, for example) and condo developments should be made to contribute towards the installation of them.

Good idea. Public art is great, but I'd rather see the city put the money into getting the details right first.
Honestly, I find this tower doesn't live up to it's potential. The Trump Tower in Chicago is one of the tallest buildings in North America and yet the one in Toronto barely peaks it's head out of the skyline. One thing Toronto lacks is height. This building will be shorter than the TD Canada Trust Tower.

When was the last time a tower of this stature and magnitude was built in the CBD? Early 90's? I remember following threads on this building way back when UT was just a baby (think ezboard) and seeing how much excitement there was over this thing. The fact that it's actually going up and didn't turn into vapour like most of Mr Stinson's projects is thrilling. It doesn't have to be over 1,000 feet to make an impact.
Honestly, I find this tower doesn't live up to it's potential. The Trump Tower in Chicago is one of the tallest buildings in North America and yet the one in Toronto barely peaks it's head out of the skyline. One thing Toronto lacks is height. This building will be shorter than the TD Canada Trust Tower.

On the contrary; market forces in this city guarantee that this building lives up to its exact potential. If there were enough people buying units to fill more floors, there would be more floors in this building.
On the contrary; market forces in this city guarantee that this building lives up to its exact potential. If there were enough people buying units to fill more floors, there would be more floors in this building.

No, this building does not necessarily represent the exact potential. The markets are uncertain, and a developer makes a subjective decision about whether to be conservative or take the risk and produce more. Shadowing issues and other regulation affects the height beyond the market. This makes the building an inexact measure of market potential, though it could be close.
If there were enough people buying units to fill more floors, there would be more floors in this building.

Wasn't the reason the height was reduced because the site couldn't bear the load, due to it's thin shape and small floorplate?
Wasn't the reason the height was reduced because the site couldn't bear the load, due to it's thin shape and small floorplate?

It was reported as an elevator issue, however I wouldn't be surprised if that was just used as a cover for lack of sales. TT Chicago went up with so many unsold units, and now sits pretty much empty. Thats being blamed on the price being too inflated for the market at the time.

They probably saw that they were running into trouble in Chicago and didn't want to make the same mistake in Toronto.
Honestly, I find this tower doesn't live up to it's potential. The Trump Tower in Chicago is one of the tallest buildings in North America and yet the one in Toronto barely peaks it's head out of the skyline. One thing Toronto lacks is height. This building will be shorter than the TD Canada Trust Tower.

I was in Chicago shortly after their Trump Tower was completed, and I honestly prefer our design. Theirs may be taller...but the more I looked at it the more blah it felt. Yeah, it had a few curves but the podium was completely overbearing and the cladding just didn't do it for me. I'm hopeful that ours will be nicer.
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And despite its height, it isn't as if Trump Chicago is *that* mythically dominant against Chicago's skyline tableau, and not just because it's "too new", either. Like, the nearby Marina City towers are less the height, yet I'd argue that they're far more symbolically powerful than Trump--same with the Wrigley/Tribune combo at Michigan Avenue. Meanwhile, the 1000-plus-footer Aon Centre is dull as dishwater...
And despite its height, it isn't as if Trump Chicago is *that* mythically dominant against Chicago's skyline tableau, and not just because it's "too new", either. Like, the nearby Marina City towers are less the height, yet I'd argue that they're far more symbolically powerful than Trump--same with the Wrigley/Tribune combo at Michigan Avenue. Meanwhile, the 1000-plus-footer Aon Centre is dull as dishwater...

Disagree! Aon is a beautiful building.
K so just a question...

In this 3-d rendering portrayed in this video at 2:43 it seems the Trump Tower is exactly the same height at the Scotia Tower but the spire part gives it a slight edge.

If this is the case, I could then see myself being satisfied with the height, but I was under the impression the building was considerably smaller than Scotia and would remain hidden for the most part.
