I doubt the garage will be anything special on the inside. It's not like anyone other than the valet drivers will ever be allowed to go up there
It's not like anyone other than the valet drivers will ever be allowed to go up there

It'll be awesome if i could just hop the fence at night and just sneak inside to snap some updates! it would be epic!!!

For all you know, the Trump Tower stump could be the home of thousands of homeless in Toronto!!! lol!
Because of it's proximity, I think this will become the iconic angle from which Trump will be filmed the most. So let's hope the south facade is impressive.

really really awesome photo updates! ^^^

There are gonna be alot of windows on the backside of Trump! i wonder how its gonna look when finished! sweet skyline filler!

Cladding looks great on the north side!!!

^^^I agree, Trump has the most open space in that shot so it will be visible the most! it will be its chance to show off what its got!
More fantastic updates from you guys! :D!!!

I love how much cladding there is now... (it seems like just yesterday when we were fussing over the first piece!!!)

Almost half of the west facing side is now clad!...
It's just dust and they do give it a cursory wipe with a damp cloth after they move on. This has been demonstrated on the West face of the base. They are hardly going to wash the glass thoroughly on an ongoing construction site... that's just silly.
Is this dirt on the glass and if so why do they not cleaned it ?.Also what about all that dirt running down the granite.

They will clean it eventually but right now due to the ongoing construction, there's not point in cleaning it now cause its gonna get dirty anyways (due to construction)...

Its just like the Burj Dubai.. The glass was all dirty and near the end of construction they cleaned the whole thing....

I noticed how dirty the glass was when i was there earlier today... its yucky!
Today i saw the cladding on Trump for the first time (in person) and i have to say i'm pretty pleased with it! it looks great on the streetwall (and on the building itself!).. Trump is also getting pretty tall now! (esp. when viewed from Queen St.)

***Youtube Vids comin up soon! (i just have to upload them!)***









All photos by me: steveve :)

wicked photos, steveve!!
I'm kind of disappointed with the lower portion of the east side. Would it not have made more sense to clad it like the south and west sides, with the windows and such, considering its visibility from Adelaide?
