Is there a small stepback on the southwest corner of the building, or are my eyes just reading the pictures wrong? In sodapop's closeup shot of the top of the tower it looks like the floors above the mechanical levels are 3-4 feet narrower than the floors below.

Good eye!

You are spot on. There seems to be a small setback there on the SW corner.
We really need some developments to fill in the area behind CC West, and the southeast corner of the financial core. I'm not sure what general thoughts are on them, but Commerce Court South and East are prime candidates for redevelopment, in my opinion. They are far too short and insignificant for their location, and there's presently a pretty big gap when you look through this view corridor.

That's a very good point egotrippin. The general area east of Bay up until Yonge in the financial district contains ideal locations for further office development when the time warrants. I'm not tool familiar with the area and any possible constraints that may exist (i.e. shadow bylaws etc.), but it seems the opportunity to extend the financial core eastwards is attainable.
In the morning I took this photo..


OMFG Sodapop!!! Do you own all the hotels in toronto or something??? You've gotten vantage points from 1King, Delta Chelsea, and now Sheraton... effing jealous!!!! :D

Trump just keeps getting better!!! And DAYUM! does Commerce court west look good!

Trump looks sooo good...

haha, thanks steveve :D i wish i did
Is there a small stepback on the southwest corner of the building, or are my eyes just reading the pictures wrong? In sodapop's closeup shot of the top of the tower it looks like the floors above the mechanical levels are 3-4 feet narrower than the floors below.

Yes! i didn't catch that! So i guess we were wrong in saying there were no more setbacks on the south side... Have faith people! :D
We really need some developments to fill in the area behind CC West, and the southeast corner of the financial core. I'm not sure what general thoughts are on them, but Commerce Court South and East are prime candidates for redevelopment, in my opinion. They are far too short and insignificant for their location, and there's presently a pretty big gap when you look through this view corridor.

To me, 33 Yonge is the location that is just begging for redevelopment and perhaps is large enough to contain a supertall.
^^^^ definetly a 300 meter plus tower would look awesome there! :D :) i think all of yonge could use a bit of a makeover, not wrecking anything but more building on top of the heritage building stuff
is Shopsy's still there? I thought it looked like it has closed down any of the times I walked by this year. Anyways, keep in mind that we are getting L Tower right across the street with some major height!
To me, 33 Yonge is the location that is just begging for redevelopment and perhaps is large enough to contain a supertall.

But, according to their website, it's an extraordinary landmark! That said, I agree with its nomination for redevelopment.

Translude, I don't think any shadow bylaws exist in the area. I might be wrong, but it definitely seems like a corner that's ripe for intensification.

^^^^ definetly a 300 meter plus tower would look awesome there! :D :) i think all of yonge could use a bit of a makeover, not wrecking anything but more building on top of the heritage building stuff

Ontop of? No thanks, but if you're thinking a model along the lines of 5 St. Joseph, then yeah, I can get on board with that.
You might be surprised but 33 Yonge is a fairly large building: 515,368 sq.ft ... half BA.
I think there are better redevelopment sites available before this one - it offered a nice drop off, but then again today with the taller builds around Bay (south of the tracks) it's not really factor
