that is awesome ^^^
From this perspective bay adelaide is completely overwhelmed by trump! this is a nice hole that trump has filled in the cbd! really claustrophobic now
Trump and BA are so close together it's comical--hell, you could barely fit a deck of cards between them.

Personally, I can't believe the developer didn't seem to take the closeness of the towers into account with regards to the views on the north side. They should have put in some corner setbacks or slots or something just to give those units an alternative view to a sheet of glass 50 feet away. And for the suckers directly across from the massive sign, they're going to have KPMG (and maybe the Blue Man Group) in their dreams.
It's a city. Building are close together. People from Chicago and New York deal with it, so can we. I find our core is pretty spaced out as it is, so more development like this is welcome (hopefully with better architecture next time).
It's a city. Building are close together. People from Chicago and New York deal with it, so can we. I find our core is pretty spaced out as it is, so more development like this is welcome (hopefully with better architecture next time).

Yeah, no kidding... you think Trump and BA are close? How about Carnegie Hall Tower and Metropolitan Tower in New York?



(Pictures courtesy Wikipedia found here: )
^ Really sucks for people in the suites facing the other building. Assuming they were built years apart, who the heck approved this?
drove by Trump tonight, the windows on the lower levels (i.e. the parking garage) were lit up on several floors, looked pretty good actually......
I agree. This is what city life is about.. in toronto we're lucky to have buildings with such unobstructed views.
And the developers at trump definitely saw something coming down the pipe at the bay adelaide site. it was only a matter of time.
The views to the north (lower levels) will not be as bad as you guys think. considering the facade is slightly curved, i'm sure all the units get a piece of the view to the east/west.
I personally love how close these buildings are! its awesome density! :D
That last pic is great! The more BA is eclipsed the better as far as I'm concerned, they don't build towers anymore bland or generic than this one.
