
Thanks for taking the time to respond to the cynics and enthusiasts here on UT. Much appreciated.
wonder if they'll replace the current base hoarding with a lighter fencing once the cladding is installed... or will they leave it do to safety reasons...?
I have another

great photo caltrane! i love how tall trump is now, you can really get a feel for what a skyscraper this thing will be, how many floors to go???

i lost track a long time ago, but they should be in/around the 40 floor mark. (probably 42-45 floors). So with only about 20 floors left, it doesn't seem like much. But the floors/slabs are really tall so there's still a big chunk left to go.
omg! ^^^ that's a great shot.
it's so damn hard to really capture how skinny/tall trump really is. i think this angle's perfect.
Funny how it's not even close to completion and yet it's freakin skinny. gotta love it.
Yeah, this tower will look like it's been there for 20 years when it's completed.
