Wow that is crazy tall. I have to say for the buildings height it is not very wide/ big. If you compare that to AURA site or even U Condos, they are massive.
The quarter-dome is looking good, but I'm a bit disappointed at how prominent the concrete structure is behind it.
The spire hasn't been jacked up yet.

Here is an image to give you guys a sense of how big the spire actually is ...

But what I've been trying to figure out, is where base of the spire will be. Will it be right at the tip of the dome, or will some of it remain within the structure?
The spire hasn't been jacked up yet.
Here is an image to give you guys a sense of how big the spire actually is ...

Looks like the spire by measuring floors on the markings is anywhere from 30-35 meters in height, on that pic where is the starting point (base of the spire) once jacked up.:confused:
It took them 4 tries and 1.5 hrs to get that platform on by noon.

There was next to no room between the hook and the steel tower framing for this platform.

They were still working on it at 7 pm when I last saw it for the day.

Photos to follow
okay, in simplified terms....
the spire is my X, the supporting steel is my hand. the spire is at it's lowest point.. the only way to go is up from here... not that hard people :p! (get it... hard!)

spire jacking.
Sept 03
This is the 3rd try to place the platform





Thanks for posting those pics Drum..but what exactly is the purpose of that new platform?

My thoughts exactly.... Figured the raising of the spire would be done from underneath ( but then again wtf do i know, right?) Other than providing an amazing spot for the workers to enjoy lunch, I really couldnt guess its purpose....
I assume some sort of equipment that is needed to jack the spire up into place will be put on that platform.
Thanks for posting those pics Drum..but what exactly is the purpose of that new platform?

Haven't you heard, UT is holding a lunch and Photo Shoot On Wed Sept 7 at 1:00 pm. You will need a hard hat and safety shoes to sit on the platform as well take take all the photos you want.:cool::rolleyes:
