thought you were talking about donald trump but aerial shots are way better!
thought you were talking about donald trump but aerial shots are way better!
lol. my bad for the miscommunication... i just edited my post with "tower" to avoid more confusion! but yeah, tis awesome... They ALSO mentioned, it would open in January 2012, but i believe that is for the hotel, considering they said to viewers "you can book your reservation then"
UPDATE OMG OMG!!! just saw Trump Tower on CP24 talking about the spire and what not... gotta change my pants!!!! best 30 seconds of my life!!!!

Steveve, don't ever lose your enthusiasm. It's a great gift that some of us old bastards have lost over time! :)
The excuse was not enough elevators however, it's obviously a cover for poor sales.

This has all been covered before. I'm sorry, if it were due to simply poor sales... the building would have never been financed... nor would it be nearly complete as you see it today if that were the case. I've been involved with the project for many years now, I can honestly attest to the fact that the building that we have today, even though it is a little shorter by 140 feet, is even more amazing on the inside than we originally envisioned. The extra time we have had has given us the opportunity to add things we didn't think were going to be possible. I know I'm biased, but for those of you who have seen the inside, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

I can almost guarantee, even after we finish construction, there will still be folks out there who claim it's never going to be completed. Or it "stalled." "It's a parking garage..." Etc., etc.

The spire looks great. Trump Jr. was in Toronto today, he is bearish on the US economy but not on Canada, Globe article:

Donald Trump Jr.'s glum outlook

david ebner
Toronto— Globe and Mail Update
Published Monday, Sep. 26, 2011 3:31PM EDT
Last updated Monday, Sep. 26, 2011 3:33PM EDT

The Trump name will soon stand high above Toronto’s financial district, as the city’s latest luxury hotel-condo is set to open in the next several months. Built and owned by Toronto-based Alex Shnaider, a billionaire Russian immigrant who made his money in steel, the Trump family will manage the hotel. The Trumps, in their first foray in Canada, hope to lure guests with their “global superbrand.” Donald Trump, in between reality television work, oversees holdings in hotels, golf and other assets such as perfumes. His oldest son, 33-year-old Donald Jr., is an executive vice-president at the company, one of three siblings with the same title, and was in Toronto Sept. 26 to speak at the Ontario Business Achievement Awards.

Mr. Trump is bullish on his family’s prospects but otherwise bearish, worried the United States economy will suffer through years of turmoil....

...In Toronto, the market for high-end luxury seems pretty crowded now, with the Ritz, Shangri-La, Four Seasons and you. What’s the outlook now?

When I first went to look at the market, I stayed at the best options, and I was definitely underwhelmed. There was a vacuum in the ultra-high end. We were the first to recognize the need. That said, I welcome the competition. Our sales, our numbers, speak for themselves.

You have international projects on the go in Panama, Scotland. What’s next in Canada?

I want to get established in Toronto first. There’s definitely room, potentially, in Canada. I’d love to do something on the west coast. Vancouver’s one of my favourite cities in the Americas, if not the world, being an outdoors guy myself. Canada definitely has a place on our radar.

Read More:
If you enjoy rolling your eyes in disbelief, be sure to read the rest of the Donald Jr. interview^. Indeed, if BS baffles brains... Donald Jr. could pin Einstein to the wall. I ran his comments thru the most powerful doublespeak filter available and all I got was "education and language issues should be addressed immediately".
Sep 27:

This has all been covered before. I'm sorry, if it were due to simply poor sales... the building would have never been financed... nor would it be nearly complete as you see it today if that were the case. I've been involved with the project for many years now, I can honestly attest to the fact that the building that we have today, even though it is a little shorter by 140 feet, is even more amazing on the inside than we originally envisioned. The extra time we have had has given us the opportunity to add things we didn't think were going to be possible. I know I'm biased, but for those of you who have seen the inside, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

I can almost guarantee, even after we finish construction, there will still be folks out there who claim it's never going to be completed. Or it "stalled." "It's a parking garage..." Etc., etc.


Thanks for providing insider information on this project and for continuing to do so regardless of people's opinions on it. Rarely are we given the inside scoop on any project, yet for this one we've had two!(yourself & wopchop) That's something that is always appreciated.
new pieces of steel attached to the spire???? (concave steel attached to the dome). fantastic.
this spire is looking taller and taller for some reason!

I thought the same thing about the spire looking taller... then I noticed the platform was gone today. As the rest of the cage is removed, I think this thing is really going to stand out (hopefully in a good way)

The roof of Trump from my POV, 5pm today. It looks to me like there's still a portion of the cage to be removed yet from around the spire.

The roof of Trump from my POV, 5pm today. It looks to me like there's still a portion of the cage to be removed yet from around the spire.

the spire looks HUGE from that angle!! the perspective makes it look taller than FCP's roof!
this spire does wonders, being dead centre between Scotia Plaza and Trump... it balances out the building nicely.
