It looks like a lot of the exterior work is on either the parking levels or the condo levels. And changing a window isn't really all that noisy
More of the service levels of Trump

Most of the ground floor work should be done by opening day. A lot of the other work that you guys are mentioning will likely not be, though, but are not a requirement for the opening of the hotel. The majority of the mismatched & broken glass won't be changed until the permanent building maintenance unit is installed and commissioned (and most of them are on the condo levels anyway). Most of the glass above the canopies won't be cleaned until that time, either. Those balconies on the south will certainly not be ready, as they still need to be poured, stripped, and then require installation of railings, whatever the floor finish is, and the monorail on the underside of the lower one. I don't think the spa will be opening quite yet, either.

Remember, this is opening of the hotel only. And even then, I think it's only a soft opening, and the grand opening won't be for a while yet.
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ya.. think of this as early occupancy. obviously there are things that won't be done yet. i wonder how many guests are staying opening night. is it fully booked?

and ya, this tower is a jewel the way it meets the street. kinda adds some unique distinction to bay street personality as well.
Haters gonna hate, but this tower meets the street well with class.

90% of people will be giving this a second glance compared to buildings like Karma.
Not that this is a masterpiece, but when the Eiffel tower was built people thought it was an eyesore and look at it now!!!! As they say, you can't satisfy everybody!
ya.. think of this as early occupancy. obviously there are things that won't be done yet. i wonder how many guests are staying opening night. is it fully booked?.
Good question. What I do know that a lot of people have already been staying in the hotel for a few weeks now. Primarily hotel & restaurant staff that they brought in (from other Trump hotels, I believe) to help with the training.

As far as the ground level goes, it looks good. I've worked at this building for what seems like forever now, and when you're working on something, it's easy to become really jaded about it. You never really look at a building when you're working on it everyday. But yesterday, I can honestly say that I really looked at the building and was impressed.
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Completely agree, Torontovibe! I don't feel they should have the opening date as Jan 31, 2012. This project is still too far away from being 'complete'. Perhaps it'll never be complete in the real sense?

Your right, this building is far from complete however I believe the builders have no choice but to go ahead as Trump Toronto has already been plagued by numerous delays in the past. A push back of the opening date would just generate more bad press so I think at this point its plough forward!
OMGEEE people!!!!!
This is a SOFT opening!!! they did it with Trump Chicago, even more so, when the building wasn't even topped off! relax! and be happy! :D
A few comments live from across the street from Trump:

I like the barrel-shaped sconce lights at street level. The street level, in general, seems fairly attractive.

Teal-coloured panel on the west side of the building at about the 11th or 12th story level (second or third level above the parking) is still missing--exposing what looks like particleboard underneath.

I'm rather surprised they wrote "Service entrance" in huge letters above the Bay St. parking access. I suppose they do need to distinguish it from the "real" entrance.
For me it's the teal that takes some getting used to. I think there's a lot of things this building has to offer Toronto, but there's also a number of things that take some effort to be friendly towards. I think when it all gets a solid cleaning it'll help.
It meets the street with two large driveways and a featureless corner. Hardly distinctive or classy.

name me one building in toronto that looks quite like this at street level

secondly, the large driveways are unavoidable with a site like this.. they don't have a podium are open space to work with. everything has to fit on site.
