Why would you say that?

Do you have any type of knowledge about this project? Please think before you write down non sense.
Posters like you really bring down the quality of this board.

AlchemisTO, that's an interesting point. The design seems almost kitschy in comparison to the new projects coming out. However, given that the profile of the purchasers may skew towards an older clientele relative to many other projects, there still may be an audience for this type of design as well.
Re: Why would you say that?

Will1538: AlchemisTO is one of the very first members of UrbanToronto many years ago and is one of the most respected contributors on this forum. I suggest you think before you "write down your non sense".
Re: Why would you say that?

Thank you, simply Dan, for pointing that out and save myself some keystrokes ;)

In any event, what Alchemist has said is quite reasonable and thoughtful, regardless of whether Trump will be built in the end.

Re: Trump

I agree with the design critique - it certainly won't be a blow for the city's architecture if this never happens - but do you really think that buyers are so design-sensitive that they'd avoid this project on those criteria alone?

The funny thing about the Trump design is that, to look at the renderings, it doesn't give the impression of being a tall building at all. Something about it denies its own size.
Re: Trump

Certainly agree with Alchemist but I do think there is enough foreign interest to get this built
Re: Trump

I dont think the project has become dated at all. Mind you, my biggest problem is that the nonsense they've been spewing out about construction starts soon, and preconstruction prices are going up, blah, blah, blah has certainly shot any credibility this project has left. To take so long to sell a project regardless of the number of units shows that the Trump name isn't as highly sought after as Donald may think.
Re: Trump

AlchemisTO: Interesting points and I agree with them all. Toronto is still rather conservative though and as another post stated there is a fair amount of foreign investment in TTT. Has anyone ever heard of a redesign mid or 3/4 the way through sales. Like a major redesign? Not that it would really happen with Trump. His buildings tend to be on the simpler side of the design spectrum.

As for Will1538: Wow. 12 posts in and you are off to a great start already. This board is one of the most open minded, idea sharing and creating boards I have ever seen and you question the quality of it? Wow. I would like to see what boards you are use to reading.

I apologize, but please give facts about a development before
you call a project dead. I agree that the project has a dated look, however that didn't mean it is dead.
Plus they are well over 200 million for the whole project.
Re: Trump

Interesting observation about the lack of "tallness" about Trump's design.

I have always maintained that even though it will be the tallest building in Toronto and Canada (if it ever gets built) it just doesn't look tall, I think partially because of its location next to the bulk of the huge office towers and that its roof line is below towers that it claims to be taller than.

the design does seem a bit kitchy but I like how it meets the street.
I apologize, but please give facts about a development before you call a project dead.

Good Lord, this is a message board not a courtroom. Do you back every casual conversation you have with a list of meticulously researched facts? Relax.
Re: Trump

^ facts are important. other wise its bull shit.
It's more like a prediction than a "fact", but I am more inclined than ever to believe what AlchemisTO is predicting, and I did not see "facts" required for such a post - that's what makes this board fun - the mix of updates, facts, predictions and idle speculation. In fact, Alchemist has contributed far more to this board than OJ polls, up-to-the-minute updates on a crime story and sex photo threads.
Re: Trump

Ooh, snap!

But seriously. If you're looking for self-absorbed wrangling over whether someone can provide a half-assed "citation" for every point they make, then, my friends, Wikipedia awaits.

I smell a troll.
whatever "facts" are anyways! :)
seriously, this newbie should lighten up.
