I don't have too much of a problem with this building. It looks kind of retro-80s which is kind of cool. The only part I'm not sure about is the little doo-dad on the top. I like doo-dads fine, but just not this one...looks a little awkward to me.
This is largely my problem with the tower. The base is fine, but it completely wimps out approaching the top. From the skyline perspective, we're left with a weird pointy cowlick thing, as though it's reaching to the top of the skyline. Maybe the Trump Tower could pull that idea off if it was taller than FCP.

Half of these treads are filled with negative comments about EVERYTHING. Gets a bit tiresome after a while, especially when you go to other cities threads and you don't see it.
Perhaps if our city had an Architectural Review Board, that wouldn't happen. Honestly, I'd rather have see negativity encouraging better design, rather than self-congratulatory sycophant circle-jerks (no offense).

I don't mean to say that internet message boards can stop things like Metropolis from happening, but could we at least have the dignity to not welcome every half assed project into this city in the pursuit of "world class" status?

Sorry for the off-topic.
Of course it goes without saying that the decisions of an architectural review board would not result in everyone being happy, either.
Half of these treads are filled with negative comments about EVERYTHING. Gets a bit tiresome after a while, especially when you go to other cities threads and you don't see it.

Unfortunately, most people on this forum are not in a position to go out and build a better skyscraper for themselves.

That means discussion is limited to one of:

a) Talking about how much we like other people's designs

b) Talking about how much we hate other people's designs

c) Arguing about the status of "faux" in Robert Stern's work

Since option c) is hell, options a) and b) share equal status as passable ways to whittle away our lives.
I don't like the negative comments either.

But I'm sure people on this forum don't like us "positive about everything" guys. -

I really really like Metropolis, and I absolutely love Trump.

I love the faux of Robert A Stern too!!!!!!!!!! (take that u/s)
I don't like the negative comments either.

But I'm sure people on this forum don't like us "positive about everything" guys. -

I really really like Metropolis, and I absolutely love Trump.
caltrane, you like EVERYTHING, but your childlike wonder for construction sites and charming foreign accent are endearing, so you are forgiven.
The sales centre is being demolished.

One of these days, caltrane, I'll buy you so many drinks in the bar at One and get you so drunk and tell you so many horrible things about Robert A.M. Stern, Eb Zeidler and Donald Trump that you'll hate them all, and all their works, for the rest of your life.
I think this building will surprise people, positively that is. And this is going to be one awesome intersection with BA across the street.


just some sound effects to go along with the photo...

Yeah, it comes out in your grammar :)

I majored in Management and Finance not English, so you'll have to excuse my grammar.

That said, I never realized bad grammar could give you an accent. Which country does my online accent sound like, grey? I've always kind of identified myself as an Albanian refugee.
