…which were both isolated, unlikely events that have nothing to do with the construction quality of the building.

We don't know what's going on with the roof that has delayed its completion. Yes, it needs to be finished off, and can anyone believe that Talon would wish anything else themselves? I'd love to know what the hold-up is (and with getting the light sabre working too).

In the meantime, Talon, or their contractor (still Brookfield?) would be liable for any damage caused if something were to fall and cause casualties, so for that financial incentive, and for the reason that builders are human and typically don't want to do harm to others, can be expected to be very careful with what's going on up there. They'd be worried about it so that we don't need to be.

…which were both isolated, unlikely events that have nothing to do with the construction quality of the building.
Both events were accidents and not due to material failure.

In the meantime, Talon, or their contractor (still Brookfield?) would be liable for any damage caused if something were to fall and cause casualties, so for that financial incentive, and for the reason that builders are human and typically don't want to do harm to others, can be expected to be very careful with what's going on up there. They'd be worried about it so that we don't need to be.
Good question. I've been trying to find out myself if Brookfield Multiplex is still involved.

Okay, I offered University College, Osgoode Hall, St. Lawrence Hall. Let me offer another random seven: Union Station. Old City Hall. New City Hall. Mies' TD banking pavilion. Hey, why not Gehry's AGO and Alsop's OCAD. Or if you want an alternative piece of Zeidler, Ontario Place.

Explain how Trump displaces any of that.
Okay, I offered University College, Osgoode Hall, St. Lawrence Hall. Let me offer another random seven: Union Station. Old City Hall. New City Hall. Mies' TD banking pavilion. Hey, why not Gehry's AGO and Alsop's OCAD. Or if you want an alternative piece of Zeidler, Ontario Place.

Explain how Trump displaces any of that.

I take it you didn't read my post since you've included TD in your list. It seems to me like you're confusing heritage/cultural significance with aesthetics. In my *subjective* opinion of what is more aesthetically pleasing, I would place Trump ahead of everything you listed minus AGO, old city hall, and Ontario Place. OCAD is a complete mess, in my opinion. A significant addition to the city, and one worthy of being the tourist destination that it is, but certainly not more aesthetically pleasing than Trump (or roller coaster support beams). Sorry, I take that back. I nearly forgot that critiquing international "starchitects" was forbidden.
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I'm solidly in adma's corner here, Trump isn't worthy of being in the same paragraph with the buildings he noted. The exterior of Trump is a failure on almost every level.
I'm solidly in adma's corner here, Trump isn't worthy of being in the same paragraph with the buildings he noted. The exterior of Trump is a failure on almost every level.



I happen to think OCAD is a fail on every level. It's a giant cargo container supported by roller coaster beams - tacky colours, slanted placement, and all. Tackiness makes for a great tourist attraction though.

Just how does a tower with a quarter onion dome and a spire with built in LEDs any less tacky - and it doesn't even have the benefit of being an art school as an excuse? I am saying this as someone who thought TT as a mediocre piece, not a disaster.

I take it you didn't read my post since you've included TD in your list. It seems to me like you're confusing heritage/cultural significance with aesthetics. In my *subjective* opinion of what is more aesthetically pleasing, I would place Trump ahead of everything you listed minus AGO, old city hall, and Ontario Place. OCAD is a complete mess, in my opinion. A significant addition to the city, and one worthy of being the tourist destination that it is, but certainly not more aesthetically pleasing than Trump (or roller coaster support beams). Sorry, I take that back. I nearly forgot that critiquing international "starchitects" was forbidden.

Never mind the starchitects--even ahead of even University College?!? Osgoode Hall?!? St. Lawrence Hall?!? Union Station?!?

Look: I know there's a bit of an anti-killjoy-adma sentiment out there on UT, as per this post in the casino thread

Adma's world view is unfortunately a world view firmly entrenched in the 19th century, supported by a paternalistic father-knows-best attitude, people who seem to be entitled to make moral judgements on behalf of everyone else, inluding the "uneducated" or the "unwashed". Many times on this forum it's taken for granted that no one else is capable of holding thoughts or opinions on their own when it comes to the city in which they live. Dismissed, please go to the back of the bus. Throwing in a few slangy current references do not hide the fact that posters like this find other opinions quaint, cute but ultimately beneath their paternalistic "vastly superior intellect". This is heavy duty moralism at work here--and it's really apparent when it comes to a discussion about a Toronto casino. Fire, brimstone and judgement find a home easily here.

...but, if you wanna know where an adma-free universe takes you, consider DtTO's standard of architectural judgment. It's enough to make one shake one's head--then again, it's the amateurs-rule crazyworld of message boards and newspaper comment threads we're dealing with here...
ocad is one of the more interesting pieces in toronto next to ago and now parade and pier 27 just my oppinion of course and im sure im alone on this. trumps turned out nice enough.
Trump is just okay. It certainly does not come close to matching its neighbours in terms of quality let alone many other buildings in the city.
...but, if you wanna know where an adma-free universe takes you, consider DtTO's standard of architectural judgment. It's enough to make one shake one's head--then again, it's the amateurs-rule crazyworld of message boards and newspaper comment threads we're dealing with here...

Wait, we can't dislike your incredibly condescending and dismissive attitude while also thinking Trump Tower is subpar?
Wait, we can't dislike your incredibly condescending and dismissive attitude while also thinking Trump Tower is subpar?

Look at it this way: to look beyond whether Trump's subpar or not (and personally, I don't entirely mind its urban cheese component--of course, it helps that Zeidler made not-all-that-horrible urban cheese out of Kirkor's original gawdawful urban cheese), I'd actually be willing to excuse DtTO on freedom-of-opinion grounds if his Top 10 reflected a more compressed time frame--of this century, perhaps, or of the past 20 or 40 years. Yeah, Trump may not be all of our cups of tea; but, yeah, you know. (And as I said, it helps that it's Zeidler's design rather than Kirkor's original design.)

Instead, DtTO dug himself in by insisting it's an all-time list.

To repeat: Trump better than even University College?!? Osgoode Hall?!? St. Lawrence Hall?!? Union Station?!? If you want to know where such an "incredibly condescending and dismissive attitude" comes from, it's when faced with that kind of jaw-dropping ignorance--that is, unless it reflects some kind of contemporary adolescent-skyscraper-geek value system that's totally severed from such fare being "of our age", and that regards invoking it in such discussions to be as pedantically pompous as Steve Allen reading Be-Bop-A-Lula.

But hey; DtTO implied "all time", so best to confront him with "all time".
Trump, even with its flaws, has something that many other new developments don't have... character. A quality that can come from imperfection. I actually like the fact it divides opinion so much.
Instead, DtTO dug himself in by insisting it's an all-time list.

To repeat: Trump better than even University College?!? Osgoode Hall?!? St. Lawrence Hall?!? Union Station?!? If you want to know where such an "incredibly condescending and dismissive attitude" comes from, it's when faced with that kind of jaw-dropping ignorance--that is, unless it reflects some kind of contemporary adolescent-skyscraper-geek value system that's totally severed from such fare being "of our age",

Get over yourself. Obviously, I was correct in saying that you have confused heritage/cultural contributions with aesthetics. Sorry to deflate your ego just a little bit, but aesthetics are entirely subjective. I should have every right to place Trump in My list of Toronto's all time most aesthetically pleasing buildings without being called ignorant. Ironically, your egotistic post exudes ignorance.
