Someone at Brookfield (or Trump?) may be doing some future planning.

Two construction sites on the same block may require some hardcore logistics management, considering all the equipment and materials that will be required down the road for construction of both projects.

side note:

Adelaide is a mess already.
Does anyone know if Trump will have underground parking as well as the aboveground? If not, or even if it's only limited below grade work, this could become quite a race with BA.
sunman posted a better picture at SSC.

Does anyone know if Trump will have underground parking as well as the aboveground? If not, or even if it's only limited below grade work, this could become quite a race with BA.

Limited or a full compliment of underground parking is a mute point, this will be a big dig given the height of the building. Limited below grade digging with a hope & a prayer that the building won't blow over wouldn't fly well with the City! :)

I'd say BA is a good year & a half ahead of Trump.
Limited or a full compliment of underground parking is a mute point, this will be a big dig given the height of the building. Limited below grade digging with a hope & a prayer that the building won't blow over wouldn't fly well with the City! :)

I'd say BA is a good year & a half ahead of Trump.

digging down 45 feet. No underground parking

Is that shoring equipment or a missle launcher? Maybe the negotiations with Scotiabank didn't go so well after all.
its pointing the wrong way then lol!!! :p
I wonder if that alley is going to stay there, or if Trump is going to be right up against that other building.
yeah there is some serious equipment on site, excavation looks imminent.
Imminent? It's the eighteenth today! That can only mean the whole project is cancelled and a total fraud!!!
