It says that there are too many units for sale in this building, without takers currently, as there are too many luxury penthouse-type units for sale all over Toronto right now.

For those still going on about condos being overbuilt here, it's only true as in regards to high-end luxury units, of which many remain unsold across the city.


Maybe, but investing is supposed to be long term. I have no doubt this building will be held in much higher regard in the future due to the higher standard of construction and choice of materials. Ten years from now, those who held on will be glad they dịd. Too many sheep right now all panicking about the valuye of their investment without realizing their panic is what is causing people to question purchasing here.
The P is up there


That's the first time a picture has shown all five letters in one place.
Is there a timeline on when we can expect the lightline to be active? If it isn't active soon the City needs to do something about it.
Is there a timeline on when we can expect the lightline to be active? If it isn't active soon the City needs to do something about it.

People are not getting paid for the work already done. The P wasn't installed because people aren't getting paid. So do you really think anybody on the developers side cares about the lighting at this point? And the city doesn't get involved in issues like this. Why would they? At some point the financial issues will be resolved and then we might finally see the P go up and the lights come on. Until then stop worrying about it.
Is there a timeline on when we can expect the lightline to be active? If it isn't active soon the City needs to do something about it.

David Topping, who wrote an article for The Grid about the light feature back in May tweeted a 30 mins ago:

The Trump Tower’s 900-foot-tall Lightline now won’t be lit till any earlier than next summer, I’ve been told.

The Grid article:
