I am sure that the Trump branding of this building is tied to a legal, binding contract between all parties.... they can't just change the name because some local politician is upset at world events.... I don't like Matlow, he uses the same self-serving PC "outrage" when opposing development applications in his ward..
Oh, no contract like that wouldn't have some sort of termination provision it it.
Let us stop bringing so much politics into the discussion of a building. This really bears little relevance to this forum. Go to the political forum for that kind of discussion, or do something in REAL LIFE to change in the name instead of bickering on the internet, which is costs nothing and achieves nothing. I can already imagine the next 10 pages about Trump's politics, and not sure if that's what this sub-forum is for.
You don't get to decide that, fortunately. It's already been stated that discussion of Trump's politics is entirely germane to this thread. You don't like that, you are more than welcome to step into "real life" and skip this thread for the time being.
Let us stop bringing so much politics into the discussion of a building. This really bears little relevance to this forum. Go to the political forum for that kind of discussion, or do something in REAL LIFE to change in the name instead of bickering on the internet, which is costs nothing and achieves nothing. I can already imagine the next 10 pages about Trump's politics, and not sure if that's what this sub-forum is for.

ksun, as someone who has contributed to this conversation, it is hypocritical of you to be criticizing the rest of us for having this discussion. As well, it has been determined that this discussion over the name of this building belongs in this thread.
There's no need to lift a finger and take down the sign. Soon enough one of the letters will fall off and not be repaired. Nothing offensive about, "RUMP" or TRUM" or any other 4 letter variation.
Oh, no contract like that wouldn't have some sort of termination provision it it.

Of course, every valid contract has an expiration date, and specific provisions for termination.... but if it's say, a ten year contract, and you try to cancel early without valid reason, there will be penalties... and there are other legal ramifications to consider... the Trump Hotel Toronto has a pretty good reputation, and hotel rooms are owned by individual investors... if, for example, some of these investors felt that their cash flow would be negatively impacted by the confusion of a switch to a new brand, Talon could be open to lawsuits.... Matlow's suggestion is cavalier and is all about optics, as is almost everything else he does....
Of course, every valid contract has an expiration date, and specific provisions for termination.... but if it's say, a ten year contract, and you try to cancel early without valid reason, there will be penalties... and there are other legal ramifications to consider... the Trump Hotel Toronto has a pretty good reputation, and hotel rooms are owned by individual investors... if, for example, some of these investors felt that their cash flow would be negatively impacted by the confusion of a switch to a new brand, Talon could be open to lawsuits.... Matlow's suggestion is cavalier and is all about optics, as is almost everything else he does....

I'd guess we need more specifics on what Matlow is asking. If it's just removal of the name at the top, the penalties maybe different. If it's actually to change the name of the hotel that would be much more difficult for the reasons you listed. It'd almost have to be bought out by another 4/5 star hotel brand to still be financially viable. Which goes back to my original point, hopefully market forces (severe drop in bookings) will force them to change the name - or be bought out.
ksun, as someone who has contributed to this conversation, it is hypocritical of you to be criticizing the rest of us for having this discussion. As well, it has been determined that this discussion over the name of this building belongs in this thread.

Fine, just a suggestion.
Keep discussing for the next 10 pages and see if that makes a single difference. Good way to kill time though.
We are fine with Obama sending out drones killing innocent civilians in Afghanistan or supporting Saudi Arabia, yet a US politician talking some right wing BS makes us want to change the name of a hotel.
The fact is, Trump is only talking and nothing else. How is he gonna ban Muslims from entering the US? The Muslims don't exactly have their religion stamped on their passports. Does your passport say "Christian"? It is childish outrage over this I'd say.

Change the name or not, it does nothing for Toronto's reputation. Nobody will respect Toronto more or less because we remove or keep the branding, whatsoever. But I guess people like this kind of "feel good" talk.
But I guess people like this kind of "feel good" talk.
It is to laugh. I guess you like your kind of "being real" talk! And making massive generalizations about how people on UT feel about drone strikes and civilian casualties. Yeah, I guess you really like that sort of thing.
So, let's stay from tangents that would drag this thread into broader world issues other than ones specifically related to Donald Trump's pronouncements tied to their perceived effects on this building.

Derailing the talk into a more general political debate will be met with deletion of posts and possible suspension of UT accounts.

Fine, just a suggestion.
Keep discussing for the next 10 pages and see if that makes a single difference. Good way to kill time though.
We are fine with Obama sending out drones killing innocent civilians in Afghanistan or supporting Saudi Arabia, yet a US politician talking some right wing BS makes us want to change the name of a hotel.
The fact is, Trump is only talking and nothing else. How is he gonna ban Muslims from entering the US? The Muslims don't exactly have their religion stamped on their passports. Does your passport say "Christian"? It is childish outrage over this I'd say.

Change the name or not, it does nothing for Toronto's reputation. Nobody will respect Toronto more or less because we remove or keep the branding, whatsoever. But I guess people like this kind of "feel good" talk.

So, you decide to scorn people who engaged in this debate, even though you yourself had done so, and when your hypocrisy is pointed out to you, you launch right back into the debate by largely repeating your earlier views. While nonetheless bitching about how the activities of everyone else has not made a single difference.

Classy, ksun, classy.
I'd guess we need more specifics on what Matlow is asking. If it's just removal of the name at the top, the penalties maybe different. If it's actually to change the name of the hotel that would be much more difficult for the reasons you listed. It'd almost have to be bought out by another 4/5 star hotel brand to still be financially viable. Which goes back to my original point, hopefully market forces (severe drop in bookings) will force them to change the name - or be bought out.

I believe he has asked for the hotel to change its name (which presumably entails removing the name on top).
Fine, just a suggestion.
Keep discussing for the next 10 pages and see if that makes a single difference. Good way to kill time though.

By that logic, you might as well shut down all the forum threads for Buildings and Transport/Infrastructure and only allow photo and news updates. People debate/discuss daily what they like, don't like, what should change, what should be kept. It's not like anyone's views posted here are actually going to change reality in the design (or # of floors there should be) in a building, or how far apart stops should be on transit lines etc. But some people are very interested in these things and enjoy the mature (most of the time) debates and discussions on these topics. If you're bored with the Trump debate, skip it and move on to a thread you're interested in.

Yes, it's a bit tangential to the actual building, but the mods here have a point, Trump is now more than ever in the public sphere and his comments could/should influence his brand and this building.
On a more general level, the Trump sign atop its namesake tower reminds me of how little I enjoy seeing such signage and logos at the top of Toronto's buildings. I know it's all about the branding but they rarely work for me visually.... too often it's just needless clutter.
