All Cdn banks refused to finance this project(?)

a local Toronto story starts to break in US media...

Investors in Trump Tower Request Investigation by Ontario Securities Commission

According to the referenced article, all Canadian banks had refused to finance investors' purchases. I thought developers customarily demanded non-cash buyers furnish a "mortgage commitment letter" shortly after signing a deal. Accordingly, shouldn't those suing investors had realized at the beginning that this was a commercial enterprise when they were refused residential mortgage commitments? Or were the banks complicit in creating the bind that the purchasers now find themselves in, i.e. initially issuing mortgage commitment letters, and after they had expired, declared the project "commercial" and refused to renew?

With reference to the Toronto Star article, I have to agree with the judge in that while the greater public's interest is at stake but the issue at hand does not warrant an emergency hearing. This was a project with a small number of units for sale as opposed to 000s (or even millions) of shares on the open market where, incidentally, there is NO 10-day rescission period. However, if the developer can be proven to have contravened direct OSC instructions in an effort to avoid the expenses (~$1MM) related to filing a prospectus, then there are remedies in law for that. It will be August 2013 before the next hearing, and unfortunately, these remorseful buyers will have been bankrupted by then. At least the younger ones can still catch up financially; sadly those closer to retirement are truly going to suffer.
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I don't wanna sound like a jerk, but wouldn't all these investor/hotel related posts be better suited to the real-estate thread, rather than the projects and construction thread? Those of us with a concrete fetish are getting sidetracked! :)
I do not feel sorry for Rich guys, loosing their shirts. They got greedy, they knew the risks.

If you're rich enough to buy into Trump, you're rich enough to hire a solid business planner, to ensure the feasiblity of the plan.

Sometimes you make money, sometimes, you lose money. That's business for ya!
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I do not feel sorry for Rich guys, loosing their shirts. They got greedy, they knew the risks.

If you're rich enough to buy into Trump, you're rich enough to hire a solid business planner, to ensure the feasiblity of the plan.

Sometimes you make money, sometimes, you lose money. That's business for ya!

Honestly, I completely agree. Sounds like their investment didn't materialize into something grand and now they're trying to back out.

I'm actually a fan of the design and can't wait for them to turn those lights on!
...........So hows the construction coming along?

I noticed the green netting on the back of the onion dome is gone. That's the only change in the past 6-8 months I've seen though. It's going so slow it's as if they have just one guy finishing the building. This single person (or the 5 useless people) are now finally doing the finishing touches on the roof (it appears). Still missing a "P" in "TRUMP" and a few windows are missing, the saddest part is that we're 3 months past the date where the "public art" light feature was supposed to be done. I think they should tear the building down, that would truly be public art.
How about this one for hotel-related:

The Trump Toronto was just named the second hottest new hotel in the world by Tripadvisor:

What's interesting on Tripadvisor's 25 best hotels in Canada list, not one hotel in Ontario let alone Toronto made the top 10! 7 of top 10 hotels are located in B.C. :rolleyes: I thought for sure Trump would be on that list going by the excellent reviews it gets.
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OMG. Thankyou!!!First construction-related post I've seen in AGES.

They're still doing something, given the scaffolding at street level and the ropes I see going up the building. Not quite sure exactly what. Given the window crash from a couple of weeks ago, I am assuming glass is part of it.

My favourite missing teal glass panel is still missing.
I do not feel sorry for Rich guys, loosing their shirts. They got greedy, they knew the risks.

If you're rich enough to buy into Trump, you're rich enough to hire a solid business planner, to ensure the feasiblity of the plan.

Sometimes you make money, sometimes, you lose money. That's business for ya!

I agree investors should bear their own risks, but it has nothing to do whether the buyers are rich or poor.
I won't feel sorry for poor/average guys if they got greedy and lost in their investments either. Being wealthy is not a bad thing and should not be cursed.
I have to say, the journalism in the star regarding this situation is down right terrible and clearly designed to simply sell papers. It's completely one sided, a typical David vs Goliath; whatever appeals to their market base. Painting the investors as poor folks taken for ride that lost every single cent in their bank account is laughable. I'm not saying there isn't some truth to the story, I'm sure there (we know the way every condo is marketed) but there are two sides to every story.

The one thing that I'm not getting a clear answer on, maybe trumptoronto can help out, is the tax rate imposed on these units, is it actually at the commercial rate ? If so was this not revealed to the buyers from the get go ?

The hotel condominiums are marketed as being a commercial property. It is in the contract documents, as well, has always been in the FAQ section of our website ( We encourage prospective purchasers to consult their attorney or accountant.
While it is true that the website FAQ states that the hotel condos are commercial properties it also goes on to emphasize the "intrinsic tax benefits" of owning a commercial property. I personally think it is inappropriate to emphasize the "intrinsic tax benefits" without at the sametime stating that these units are subject to commercial tax rates (i.e mentioning the potential negative tax consequences of the investment). Maybe this is stated in other legal documents.
I know the Trump organization is only running the hotel but I find it funny that DOnald Trump is complaining about the Chinese taking jobs away and yet the cladding here was made in China.
I know the Trump organization is only running the hotel but I find it funny that DOnald Trump is complaining about the Chinese taking jobs away and yet the cladding here was made in China.

A lot of glass and curtainwall comes from China, yet we make it here too so it must be about the cost. I heard him talk about it on TV earlier in the year stating something to the effect that he has to buy all his curtainwall from China. The Donald is a hypocrite.
