On first look, that's quite a bit better looking than the Wellesley to the Park balcony glazing.

YES! The Wellesley On The Park's balcony glass is very disappointing because it looks like clear glass. The white frit is so subtle, you can hardly even notice it, especially on the side facing Yonge Street. It just looks like clear glass in the shade and not very appealing at all. It reduces the effect of the curves. I much prefer this glass!
Agreed with above posts re: balcony glass.

Wellesley on the Park is excellent, but the nearly-clear balcony glass is a weak point. Looks like Stanley may turn out pretty well with this beautiful opaque glass.
Just now:


The balcony railings look great but do they tie in with podium? I'm wondering if the tint/frit could've been a better match. It's too early to tell, I guess.
A little off topic but is there a reason the outer lanes on Carlton between Church and Yonge are so wide other than parking? Can they be narrowed to a standard width and the sidewalk widened or is this the hotel an issue? Tour buses to NF line up in front of the Holiday Inn but other than that it doesn't make much sense to have those lanes so wide. Perhaps those tour buses can pick people up a block north on the back side of the hotel.
Would anyone know if the white balconies are translucent from the inside out? I’ve checked all the previous renderings and they always seemed translucent, never expected them to be solid white.
They do look like they are translucent, just not transparent. You'll see a glow through them when the sun shines on them, and at night from city lights, but that's all. They are on my building too, and when I want to see the city I sit at my bar-height table.

Wow, I didn’t know it’s translucent until I saw the closeup photo.
I thought it would be a dense white frit pattern like at other condos, but at least you don’t see the hardware holding up the railing and glass through the glass like you do at One Yonge.
