My condo put up a notice that tear down is to happen very soon, may/June time frame. All permits in place. I will speculate that they were trying to time the tear down/digging to not conflict with Stage 1 Six Points construction at Aukland and Dundas. I'm excited about this development as I fully support the construction of this building, however, I respect that some owners property values have decreased and West side condo owners will have to put up with a lot of noise and blowing dirt not to mention traffic gridlock. There is a price to pay for growth and if outsiders want to move to this neighbourhood please be aware that the City of Toronto has designated this area as high density/high growth.
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Demolition started. Just took this photo as I passed by this morning.


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Latest architectural plans put this at 138.25m.

Hadn't seen those yet. Thanks for the heads-up.

For the new height though, they have bizarrely chosen to start counting from below grade. Granted that the site slopes, but 0 is below even the lowest entry to the building. Grade (on Dundas), and the height for the ground floor is counted at 3.75 metres. Subtracting that from 138.25 metres leaves 134.5 metres, which I will round up to 442 feet in the dataBase file.

Here's what the site looked like yesterday, looking southeast from the corner of Dundas and Aukland:




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This project should have happened a long time ago. The lousy strip mall and abandoned car repair garage looked out of place for at least a decade. It's good to see some progress.
Yes. (Developers build to their schedule, not ours!)

I just heard a rumour that Main & Main have sold the site...can't find anything to prove it though. The building was originally slated to be a rental building, but as soon as the new rent rules were unleashed by the Liberals, I predicted it would be converted to resale condos. Anyone have real definitive info?
There was a lot of activity on site this morning when I went by. Not sure what they were doing, but it looked like some kind of vacuum trucks.
There was a lot of activity on site this morning when I went by. Not sure what they were doing, but it looked like some kind of vacuum trucks.
Part of the Six Point Interchange reconstruction.
Lots of activity on site the last week. Wonder what's going on? Shovel in the ground soon?
