Fixed It…
How green roofs weren’t included in the initial design is mind-boggling!
The Formal Consultation submission document includes some great stuff that hasn't been posted here yet. Here's a link:

A few images from the above:


Above is the pipe gallery (structure holding major pipelines that service or have serviced industry on site), and this shows people able to walk underneath to access the waterfront.

Discussion page for the above:


Below, not identified conceptual render: (potential flex offices)


Connections via Gage Avenue and to the Niagara Escarpment:


A few images from the above:

View attachment 509001

Above is the pipe gallery (structure holding major pipelines that service or have serviced industry on site), and this shows people able to walk underneath to access the waterfront.

Discussion page for the above:

View attachment 509004

Below, not identified conceptual render: (potential flex offices)

View attachment 509002

Connections via Gage Avenue and to the Niagara Escarpment:

View attachment 509003

View attachment 509005
I was initially expecting the public space to slowly get trimmed back, but if anything it’s becoming more rigorous. I see three things that should capture everyone’s attention:

One, there is a plethora of valuable green space being added to the waterfront and throughout the site where none has ever been before. This is not merely a trail like we see at CN’s yard further west; this is dedicated green space designed to circulate and pull you in.

Two, there is a concerted effort to integrate with the lower city via Gage, bringing much-needed attention to a lower city N/S arterial. It’s poetic to tie into the communities which have always been intrinsically tied to the industry here.

And three, this is all being done in what is not only an industrial park (uncommon already) but the most industrial place one could conceive of, period. I think it will be quite dramatic and undoubtedly visually interesting for people to weave their way through the ‘old yet new’ industrial area- and Slate are clearly serious about the quality of said space.

Even as a mere concept this is more than expected. The praise might sound excessive, but any kind of attention to the public realm north of Barton is basically unheard of (east of John at least), much less Burlington St. If Steelport can bring back the old vitality of the east end, this is the tip of the “and then some” moment for me. Slate’s seriousness is highly endearing.
Connections via Gage Avenue and to the Niagara Escarpment:

View attachment 509003
This is so huge but just one of many things that will forever reshape the east end of Hamilton. I think Barton St. might see the biggest benefit from this project, intersecting Gage St. right at the middle point of the escarpment and the waterfront. The decrepit and underdeveloped spaces between Barton Village and Ottawa Street should see a facelift from this, and it will be nice to see those areas connected better since both are equidistant at a 10 min walk from the intersection at Barton & Gage. A couple key things missing from the image that we should also have by the time this project is finished are Brightside Park (Gage & ~Barton), and fingers crossed, a completed LRT line. I highlighted it all on the map and added my pipe dream of redeveloping Centre Mall around a new GO station at Ottawa St.
For the sizeable educational campus, I wonder if they have someone in mind?!
This is so huge but just one of many things that will forever reshape the east end of Hamilton. I think Barton St. might see the biggest benefit from this project, intersecting Gage St. right at the middle point of the escarpment and the waterfront. The decrepit and underdeveloped spaces between Barton Village and Ottawa Street should see a facelift from this, and it will be nice to see those areas connected better since both are equidistant at a 10 min walk from the intersection at Barton & Gage. A couple key things missing from the image that we should also have by the time this project is finished are Brightside Park (Gage & ~Barton), and fingers crossed, a completed LRT line. I highlighted it all on the map and added my pipe dream of redeveloping Centre Mall around a new GO station at Ottawa St.View attachment 509190
I'm with you on the Centre Mall GO, it's so obvious that it makes you wonder what the land owners have schemed. Perhaps the latest legislation allowing new types of financing for GO stations will see something materialize.
For the sizeable educational campus, I wonder if they have someone in mind?!
One's mind would immediately go to Mcmaster, followed (rather distantly) by Mohawk College. I struggle to see any other player, but both of these seem to have ample campus space-especially Mac with the Innovation Park. unless Mohawk is getting in on the International Student frenzy.
One's mind would immediately go to Mcmaster, followed (rather distantly) by Mohawk College. I struggle to see any other player, but both of these seem to have ample campus space-especially Mac with the Innovation Park. unless Mohawk is getting in on the International Student frenzy.
While I think McMaster might be the first thing on most people's minds, I would bet it would make more sense for Mohawk. Mohawk has programs that make more sense to be beside the steel ports, and further to that point they already have a little discussed or even known about Stoney Creek campus which a friend of mine attended. I could see Mohawk perhaps transitioning or shifting focus to this location as a new campus location. It would also be far more accessible by different modes of transportation like bicycle and transit.
One's mind would immediately go to Mcmaster, followed (rather distantly) by Mohawk College. I struggle to see any other player, but both of these seem to have ample campus space-especially Mac with the Innovation Park. unless Mohawk is getting in on the International Student frenzy.

Brock University has a regional presence, though it just shifted that to Burlington.
Brock University has a regional presence, though it just shifted that to Burlington.
Precisely; the downsizing and redevelopment of their Hamilton campus signals disinterest unless they secretly knew an opportunity was coming at Steelport- but I doubt that.

I think we can see any educational space one of two ways. Either they want to "elevate" the space with University-level facilities, which would be 'nice' but doesn't really fit, or they want context-appropriate trades development nearby.

The latter is probably a more realistic way of delivering accessible education (and by extension, justice) to the community. A University would pull people from every corner of Hamilton and the region except from the immediate neighbourhoods that need some kind of upward mobility. There is also no shortage of demand for tradesmen of every kind.
This is so huge but just one of many things that will forever reshape the east end of Hamilton. I think Barton St. might see the biggest benefit from this project, intersecting Gage St. right at the middle point of the escarpment and the waterfront. The decrepit and underdeveloped spaces between Barton Village and Ottawa Street should see a facelift from this, and it will be nice to see those areas connected better since both are equidistant at a 10 min walk from the intersection at Barton & Gage. A couple key things missing from the image that we should also have by the time this project is finished are Brightside Park (Gage & ~Barton), and fingers crossed, a completed LRT line. I highlighted it all on the map and added my pipe dream of redeveloping Centre Mall around a new GO station at Ottawa St.View attachment 509190

I took the Toronto Galleria Mall development and dropped it in Centre Mall. Just imagine!

