I actually built a very rudimentary site plan for the area. I'll see if I can find it back and post it.

Edit: found it. It is very intense in colour and likely should have included a park, but I wouldn't want to put it against the rail edge, which is unfortunate because CN would likely fight any development on this site.

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I'm curious if the existence of this project has been factored into the City/province's job projections for the next few decades. The most recent estimates seem to have been made just as this project was being revealed. It would certainly be nice to see how this bumps citywide growth if not yet accounted for.

Info on the phasing of this project is starting to come to light - Looks like Ph1 on the far east is to be available in 2024-2026 and Ph2 further west will be available in 2025-2028. I wonder if we'll start to see permits and development of these buildings sometime soon.

Steelport will revitalize 800-acres of land on Hamilton’s waterfront, in the process generating an estimated $3.8 billion in economic value and 23,000 jobs across the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area.

“The submission of this Plan is an exciting milestone in Steelport’s development process,” said Steven Dejonckheere, Senior Vice President at Slate. “This Plan lays out an ambitious vision that will not only re-imagine the lands and contribute to Hamilton’s economy through job creation and increased industry, but also promote connectivity among residents by adding communal public spaces, greenery, and facilitating increased connection to the waterfront. We look forward to collaborating with our private sector partners and all levels of government to realize the full potential of this city-building project and make Steelport a place that all Hamiltonians can enjoy.”

The Plan highlights the proposed layout of the property and adds further colour to the project’s master plan, including the potential for more than 90 acres of diverse landscapes, which would offer the public increased access to nature and the waterfront. Slate also aspires to work with the City to create over 60 acres of integrated trails, pathways and pedestrian/public space that bring together industry alongside green active transportation corridors, including a four-kilometre Steelport Loop trail that meanders through the major community hubs on the site.

New details of the proposed industrial and community hubs at the site are also outlined. The Plan contemplates the potential to retain some of the site’s most impressive and historic industrial infrastructure at the Pipe Gallery, designed to take on a ‘main street’ feel with future opportunities to create spaces for small scale start-ups, creators, and entrepreneurs and retail amenities for visitors and workers alike. Another zone, known as the Battery, is envisioned as a hub for the City’s creative production industry and celebrations of cultural heritage that bring Hamiltonians together. The Plan also details a proposed Lagoonscape, a regenerated biodiverse landscape that doubles as stormwater management infrastructure, along with Steelport’s revitalized waterfront, which will open up access to new areas of the historic harbour, previously inaccessible to the public for over a century.

The submission of the Plan also initiates a more formal community consultation where members of the public are invited to share their feedback and ideas. This detailed look at Slate’s vision for Steelport is the first of many coming opportunities that Hamiltonians will have to shape the project.

“We intend for Steelport to be a true reflection of the Hamilton community, and an economic and cultural cornerstone of the Hamilton region for decades to come, which is why Hamiltonians’ input at every stage of this project will be integral to its success,” added Dejonckheere.

As part of its community engagement efforts, Slate has launched a new page on the Steelport website where individuals can provide feedback and sign up for updates, which is accessible now at thesteelport.com/engagement. Slate will share other community engagement opportunities as they approach.
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These are the documents mentioned above. I will try to get a few images but frankly other people do a much better job as mine are just screenshots with no editing! Lol

